trumpery in English

attractive articles of little value or use.
All along the extent of the corridor, in little alcoves, there are stalls of shops, kept principally by women, who, as you approach, are seen through the dusk offering for sale… multifarious trumpery .
showy but worthless.
trumpery jewelry

Use "trumpery" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "trumpery" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "trumpery", or refer to the context using the word "trumpery" in the English Dictionary.

1. Tarletan sanctified hibernate cookery book Astigmic subacrid alisa eyeleted trumpery mnidrome buttresslike pocket money disinclined nonprudent machismo VIEW MORE 3 …

2. A superb disorder of trumpery Brummagem cutlery, stuffs, firearms and pots and pans clutter the ground in every direction

3. This week’s theme Words that appear to be coined after someone (but aren’t) This week’s words ruminate Bushwa obambulate trumpery hilarity “There is no material with which human beings work which has so much potential energy as words.” ~Earnest Calkins

4. Louis XI, an habitual derider of whatever did not promise real power or substantial advantage, was in especial a professed Contemner of heralds and heraldry, “red, blue, and green, with all their trumpery,” to which the pride of his rival Charles, which was of a very different kind, attached no small degree of ceremonious importance.