truncate in English

shorten (something) by cutting off the top or the end.
a truncated cone shape
(of a leaf, feather, or other part) ending abruptly as if cut off across the base or tip.
The ends are usually acute or obtuse, but sometimes also fish tail-like, truncate or vague.

Use "truncate" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "truncate" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "truncate", or refer to the context using the word "truncate" in the English Dictionary.

1. Truncate insignificant trailing zero when using null scale.

2. Do you want to truncate the transaction log?

3. Chelmonops Curiosus, truncate coralfish, truncate butterflyfish, western talma or squareback butterflyfish, is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a butterflyfish from the family Chaetodontidae

4. 7 synonyms for Behead: decapitate, execute, guillotine, truncate, decollate, decapitate, decollate

5. 8 synonyms for Amputate: cut off, remove, separate, sever, curtail, truncate, lop off, cut off

6. We are emphatically not introducing an appeal system in order to truncate or bypass it.

7. Sorry, the text is too long to edit. Truncate it to 255 characters?

8. [be VERB -ed] Synonyms: decapitate, execute, guillotine, truncate More Synonyms of Behead COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

9. This unconformity has been shown to truncate normal faults active during the deposition of the lower McNaughton Formation.

10. Synonyms for Abscise include amputate, remove, separate, sever, cleave, cut off, dock, lop off, truncate and curtail

11. A character string to be truncate is read and a byte length occupied by a current character is obtained.

12. To confirm your website will not truncate long gclid parameters, repeat the troubleshooting steps above using this value: gclid=TeSter-123-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-0123456789-AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLl.

13. If a NOT LOGGED table encounters an execution error during a data changing statement there is only one choice for DB to truncate the table.

14. 1 x 1 cm, green, tubular to Campanulate, truncate, without rifts, slightly pubescent, tector trichomes sparse, with nectaries; corolla 3-5 x ca

15. Discordant intrusive complexes, such as the 1.830 Ga Cormorant Batholith, are centred on magnetic–gravity lows and truncate the structural trend of adjacent lithotectonic domains.

16. Fronds Coriaceous, pale, simply pinnate, or bipinnate below; the divisions broadly linear or oblong, or the sterile sometimes oval, chiefly entire, somewhat heart-shaped, or else truncate at the stalked base

17. The split field perfectly matched layer technique is introduced to truncate computational domain, and the equations in PML medium are also differenced semi implicitly to keep unconditional stability.

18. Even if your retention time expires, Bacula will only overwrite their information (truncate) when a new backup needs volumes to write and there are no other blank volumes (for example) in the same Pool.

19. While it is acceptable to truncate hash function output for the sake of shorter, more usable fingerprints, the truncated fingerprints must be long enough to preserve the relevant properties of the hash function against brute-force search attacks.

20. Apostrophize (Amer.) abac Jonah பொன்னாவிரை , சீமை ஆவிரை doze stagnate truncate bijeli dud diary parlamentaran kroz ham and poached egg in sauce quarto de dormir Brittany fujita scale civettuolo memorial ceremony agnelle barometr sala de estar gading sass rakotulkkisarja konec Kerry gvardijan diction

21. 66, hy) long, with broad-based rounded-truncate dorsobasal lobe, posterior bridge dorsally and ventrally produced (rounded to slightly Angulate in profile); hypandrial arms constricted in apical 2/ (viewed laterally), with 2 setulae proximal to postgonite, the more lateral ventrally directed, the medial ventromedially directed (obscured by

22. Apex truncate and notched, ciliate, margin entire, Aciliate, the smaller 2 wings oblong to triangular, 4–9 × 1.5–2.6, margin entire, Aciliate; placentae axile, bilamellate, ovuliferous all over; styles 3, deciduous in fruit, 5–6 mm long, irregularly multifid 1 mm from base, branches spreading, spirally twisted.

23. The new species resembles P. almoriensis and P. kasauli from Agama tuberculata and Uromastix hardwickii, respectively; the genital cone is relatively well-developed, broad lateral alae terminate abruptly 50 to 90 μm anterior to the anus in males, and the caudal extremity of females is abruptly truncate and bears a short spinelike caudal appendage.

24. Leaf: ligule 1.5--3 mm, truncate to obtuse, decurrent to sheath, toothed; blade 1--5 mm, 1--2 mm wide, flat or folded.Inflorescence: 4--14 cm, 0.5--1.5 cm wide, narrow; branches Appressed, loosely flowered.Spikelet: in lower branch axils cleistogamous, enclosed by tightly rolled sheath; glumes 1--2 mm, obtuse to acute; lemma 4.5--6 mm, hairs at base short

25. Additional features: dorsal lobe absent, dorsoapical edge Crenate; single specimen available for this study appears to have a ventral tooth anterior to [S.sub.2] with apex broadly rounded but this could be an empty spur socket, which would constitute [S.sub.3]; 1st gonapophysis apex truncate; dorsal depression easily observed and large but only extending forward to about the level of the

26. An excrescence or Appendage at or about the hilum of a seed.: Pro' leg, an unsegmented Appendage found in the larv of some insects.: This Appendage is often found to measure eighteen inches in length!: The stem at one extremity is truncate, but at the other is terminated by a vermiform fleshy Appendage.: An ten' na, a segmented sensory Appendage on the head of an arthropod.