trespass in English

entry to a person's land or property without their permission.
the defendants were guilty of trespass
synonyms:unlawful entryintrusionencroachmentinvasion
a sin; an offense.
the worst trespass against the goddess Venus is to see her naked and asleep
enter the owner's land or property without permission.
there is no excuse for trespassing on railroad property
synonyms:intrude onencroach onenter without permissioninvade
commit an offense against (a person or a set of rules).
a man who had trespassed against Judaic law
synonyms:sintransgressoffenddo wrongerrgo astrayfall from gracestray from the straight and narrow

Use "trespass" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "trespass" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "trespass", or refer to the context using the word "trespass" in the English Dictionary.

1. They began to organize a mass trespass.

2. 13 The gamekeeper was sued for trespass.

3. 9 He will be prosecuted for trespass.

4. 1 Never trespass upon another's rights.

5. 6 I will trespass on your hospitality.

6. 4 You could be prosecuted for trespass.

7. For her trespass, my daughter will be flogged.

8. 7 I won't trespass upon your time any longer.

9. Trespass, Apostatize, quarrel; offend, rebel, revolt, transgress(-ion, -or)

10. 14 I mustn't trespass on your time any longer.

11. Oh, trespass, theft, pilfering, littering, pillorying, walking about, playing.

12. 3 I mustn't trespass on your time any longer.

13. 10 I don't want to trespass on your hospitality.

14. 8 They began to organize a mass trespass.

15. 5 synonyms for burglarize: break in, trespass, Burglarise, burgle, heist

16. 14 A civil action for trespass to the person followed.

17. 5 synonyms for Burglarize: break in, trespass, burglarise, burgle, heist

18. 5 I always prosecute people who trespass on my land.

19. 22 synonyms for Contravention: breach, violation, infringement, trespass, disobedience

20. Attaint on trespass with writ in king's bench Walter Neel v

21. Under common law, there are seven types of intentional torts: assault, battery, false imprisonment, trespass to land, trespass to Chattels, conversion, and intentional infliction of emotional distress

22. 11 The fishing boat was seized for its trespass into restricted waters.

23. Please sign the petition to stop the Criminalisation of trespass here

24. Are the miscreants aware that they are guilty of trespass and criminal damage?

25. 2 Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

26. 3 Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

27. 25 Are the miscreants aware that they are guilty of trespass and criminal damage?

28. Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

29. 12 If those youths trespass on my land again, I shall be ready for them.

30. As this is a form of trespass the injury must be direct rather than consequential.

31. It might, also, punish an attempt, a conspiracy, or an incitement to commit the trespass.

32. Trespass to Chattels refers to the use of property without permission of the owner.

33. 21 The court held that necessity was a defence to the claim in trespass and nuisance.

34. On the other hand, a trespass to Chattels is an act that falls short of conversion

35. 16 It is unclear whether the Act applies to trespass to the person but apparently it does.

36. Through his charities I have had three police cases filed against me alleging trespass, impersonation and intimidation.

37. 20 Let this be a warning to you not to trespass on my land again!

38. 18 That person may sue for any trespass committed since the accrual of the right of entry.

39. 24 Assuming that some damage has been caused, is negligence necessary for liability for unintentional trespass to goods?

40. That person may sue for any trespass committed since the accrual of the right of entry.

41. 21 Assuming that some damage has been caused, is negligence necessary for liability for unintentional trespass to goods?

42. The civil law, mainly through the torts of trespass and private nuisance, also had a role to play.

43. Chalking tires is a kind of trespass, Judge Bernice Donald wrote for the panel, and it requires a warrant

44. Trespass can therefore be committed by a person who digs a tunnel under land or who abuses the airspace.

45. 19 They said we should stay another night, but I didn't want to trespass on their hospitality.

46. 27 An individual or organisation may face action for a variety of Torts e.g. defamation, negligence, nuisance or trespass.

47. An individual or organisation may face action for a variety of Torts e.g. defamation, negligence, nuisance or trespass.

48. It doesn't recommend trespass, it urges that you should consult the police and get third-party liability insurance.

49. 29 However I've been told there is no law of trespass as long as there is due consideration to private property.

50. 15 The defence of necessity succeeded in the trespass action as the police had not been negligent in creating the emergency.