trespassing in English

enter the owner's land or property without permission.
there is no excuse for trespassing on railroad property
synonyms:intrude onencroach onenter without permissioninvade
commit an offense against (a person or a set of rules).
a man who had trespassed against Judaic law
synonyms:sintransgressoffenddo wrongerrgo astrayfall from gracestray from the straight and narrow

Use "trespassing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "trespassing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "trespassing", or refer to the context using the word "trespassing" in the English Dictionary.

1. You're under arrest for trespassing.

2. Trespassing within them is not advised.

3. The sign on the fence said 'No trespassing'.

4. 20 They were trespassing on private property.

5. Murder, aggravated assault assault with intent, menacing and trespassing.

6. You' re trespassing, and you owe me a fucking new door!

7. This is private property and you're trespassing, the lot of you.

8. 3 I hope this is a public footpath and we're not trespassing on someone's land.

9. The Assailant was charged with trespassing, destruction of property and cruelty to animals

10. Briney: Defendants set up a spring gun to guard against people trespassing into their unoccupied farmhouse

11. Wealthy householders have also awoken to the sound of trespassing swimmers enjoying an illicit dip.

12. Two young brothers trespassing on a building site are chased and cornered by a guard dog.

13. An ex post facto law prohibits the use of guns by individuals against unarmed persons trespassing on their property.

14. When a group of trespassing seniors swim in a pool containing alien Cocoons, they find themselves energized with youthful vigor.


16. Amercements were commonly used as a punishment for minor offenses ( such as trespassing in the King's forest ), as an alternative to imprisonment

17. Each Avicularium resembles the head of a bird complete with powerful musculature and a sharp beak-like structure (rostrum) that is used to seize the appendages of trespassing organisms

18. The landlords and Allottees were said to have also secured two court orders restraining NICON Trustees from trespassing on the estate and these formed the …

19. Ator, who was killed in a shootout with police, has an arrest record that includes a 2001 bust on misdemeanor charges of trespassing and resisting arrest and a …

20. I didn't know yet if the house was occupied or not so I was hoping I wouldn't get Bawled out by someone who thought I was trespassing.

21. On 7 October 1865, a black man was put on trial, convicted and imprisoned for trespassing on a long-abandoned sugar plantation, a charge and sentence that angered black Jamaicans.

22. On June 16, two days after they were told to leave, Justin, Nupur, and Tianna were still hauling out their Belonging s when Ari arrived and threatened to call the police for trespassing.

23. ‘Two cases seem possibly to indicate that kidnapping for extortion is established by proof of an unlawful confinement and Asportation without proof of a specific intent.’ ‘Historically, the Asportation requirement has caused few problems.’ ‘There are two main components of larceny: trespassing and Asportation.’

24. Beware of trespassing! Betreten verboten! to Beware of imitations: sich vor Nachahmungen hüten: to Beware of pickpockets: sich vor Taschendieben in Acht nehmen: to Beware of substitutes: sich vor Ersatzstoffen hüten: 4 Wörter: Beware of the dog! Vorsicht, bissiger Hund! Beware of the dog! [Cave canem] Hüte dich vor dem Hund! to Beware of