to stand still in English

stand in place, stop

Use "to stand still" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "to stand still" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "to stand still", or refer to the context using the word "to stand still" in the English Dictionary.

1. To stand still is to regress.

2. It takes fortitude to stand still.

3. We are not content to stand still.

4. The police burst in and told everyone to stand still.

5. Time seemed to stand still as I watched in disbelief.

6. They told me to stand still and not to turn round.

7. The photographer asked all the guests to stand still and pose for the wedding photograph.

8. You have to force yourself to make adequate eye contact with the audience and to stand still.

9. 23 New business Public relations consultancies no more want to stand still than any other business enterprise.

10. It began to stand still, but I did not recognize its appearance; a form was in front of my eyes; there was a calm, and I now heard a voice.”

11. Akathisia, or acathisia, is a movement disorder in which patients experience inner restlessness, the urgent need to constantly move, and the inability to stand still or sit for a reasonable amount of time. This may cause the person to rock while sitting or standing, or lift their feet as if marching on the spot.