to wit in English

that's to say, namely, meaning

Use "to wit" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "to wit" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "to wit", or refer to the context using the word "to wit" in the English Dictionary.

1. To wit, a paradigm shift.

2. This does not stop me giving you a little treat. To wit, an invitation to dine at Brown's.

3. The landlord's position was that the sign still Advertises a business at that location, to wit, the building itself

4. The answer to that question would seem to be another question, namely and to wit: Is the pope a Catholic?

5. 12 He'd like "happiness" to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit "Major affective disorder, pleasant type".

6. CHILD LIFE IN TOWN AND COUNTRY ANATOLE FRANCE Haply her truant tresses mock Some Coronal of shapelier block, To wit, the bounding billy-cock

7. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body

8. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body

9. Several pieces of major legislation have been introduced in the US over the past few years, to wit: the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Clean Air Act and the Civil Rights Act.

10. Or as it is said in glossario, Silvester is to say green, that is to wit, green in contemplation of heavenly things, and a toiler in labouring himself; he was umbrous or shadowous.

11. King James Bible And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body

12. His " Articulacy " comes straight from the teleprompter, he is stumbling and adrift when speaking off-the-cuff, and his "political adroitness" is non-existent, to wit the types of people with whom he chooses to associate himself

13. In every instance my advice was to this effect, given to young men who requested it, to wit: ‘If you cannot conscientiously engage in war, Section 3 of the Selective Draft Act makes provision for you to file application for exemption.

14. Bureaucratize (Amer.) vent kiitotavara 重視 to play (string instr.) očesat immunity (from prosecution) uzviknuti hromadit free-trader (n.) corticotropin sway (n.) namely to wit sighting panj drive end belega autokrat gekiha oris trik carrying charges handbill beskrivelse nepovezan rugo sjetiti se zadržení adopt nelagoda samt permanance

15. As previously described on this blog, the Federal Communication Commission (“FCC”) and courts across the country have taken a very expansive view concerning the definition of “Autodialer.” To wit, any device that has the capacity to produce, store and call telephone numbers using a random or sequential number generator is considered an Autodialer …

16. A Bigamous marriage or marriage contracted by parties who both or either one of them has an existing previous marriage is null and void under Article 35 of the Family Code, to wit: “The following marriages shall be void from the beginning: xxx (4) Those Bigamous or polygamous marriages not failing under Article 41; xxx”

17. The author's name, Jade Sharma, conjures an elegance that her protagonist refuses: Maya could not be further from the legend of the colonial opium eater, Broidered with hip-bony decadence, if she embodied the opposite one--to wit, the Nixonian myth that only the down-and-out, the poor and black, the white trash get high and addicted.

18. If the maxim at the head of this paragraph were strictly and impartially enforced, such exacting employers would have to pay pretty smartly for certain "Breakages" which occur in the carrying on of a business in which they consider _they_ have no concern -- Breakages, to wit, of the girls 'health, spirits, and, often, hearts!

19. The last doubt that thou Broachest, to wit, what thou shouldst do with me, drive it away altogether; an thou in thine extreme old age be disposed to do that which thou usedst not, being young, namely, to deal cruelly, wreak thy cruelty upon me, who am minded to proffer no prayer unto thee, as being199 the prime cause of this sin, if sin it be

20. The last doubt that thou Broachest, to wit, what thou shouldst do with me, drive it away altogether; an thou in thine extreme old age be disposed to do that which thou usedst not, being young, namely, to deal cruelly, wreak thy cruelty upon me, who am minded to proffer no prayer unto thee, as being199 the prime cause of this sin, if sin it be

21. Differences in patterns of glycogen-organelle organization between apex and base of the entodermal cell suggest a state of flux of glycogen in an apical-basal direction, to wit—from initial synthesis and deposition of glycogen in the apical cytoplasm, to an area rich in glycogen deposits associated with agranular ER, to a basal area of glycogen, ready for breakdown into glucose and transport to blood.

22. For this cause is the Stone saide to be perfect, because it hath in it the nature of Minerals, Vegetables, and Animals: for the stone is three, and one having foure natures, to wit, the foure elements, & three colours, black, white and red. It is also called a graine of corne, which if it die not, remaineth without fruit: but if it doo die (as is above said) when it is ioyned in coniunction, it bringeth forth much fruite, the aforenamed operations being accomplished.