to some degree in English

to a certain extent

Use "to some degree" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "to some degree" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "to some degree", or refer to the context using the word "to some degree" in the English Dictionary.

1. Everyone is fallible to some degree.

2. A tad: to some degree or extent.

3. I started to kind of flip out to some degree.

4. Businesshas to some degree been a laggard in this process.

5. Makers today, to some degree, are out on the edge.

6. And to some degree they contain some kind of emotional core.

7. Almost all liquids are either Acids or bases to some degree

8. Cornbread is inherently crumbly to some degree, particularly Southern-style Cornbread

9. Most modern capitalist economies are defined as "mixed economies" to some degree.

10. This to some degree leads to less respect to the will of decedent.

11. Headaches. Astigmatism is a common vision condition that many people have to some degree.

12. To any extent; to some degree: Does my answer come Anywhere near the right one?

13. 27 In fact,[] smoky dressing can make you very sexual depraved to some degree.

14. All populations would be expected to suffer to some degree by deteriorating winter weather conditions.

15. To some degree, to meet a certain need, people often flout some maxims of the CP.

16. Most countries accept that housing leasehold has some effect of jus in rem to some degree.

17. Argue that both deterrence and Brutalization might be operating to some degree for different types of

18. Ships, buildings, bridges, storage tanks and pressure vessels all contain, to some degree, carbon steel plate.

19. For example, it is well known that physical systems can be simulated to some degree of accuracy.

20. Marriages between lineal descendants and ascendants and to some degree of cognates and agnates are prohibited and declared void.

21. Marriages between lineal descendants and ascendants and to some degree of cognates and agnates are prohibited and declared void

22. "Springback also is controlled to some degree because Blanking occurs at a lower velocity," Mr Dubaj points out.

23. They will share a similar life style which to some degree will distinguish them from members of other social strata.

24. To some degree[ ], managers do have a responsibility to control costs or rather to optimise the use of available resources.

25. But what I found was that it was actually very tough. I started to kind of flip out to some degree.

26. Foucault's approach and analyses have also to some degree informed this work and for that reason alone deserve a critical appraisal.

27. By 411 BC, Thrasybulus was clearly established to some degree as a pro-democracy politician, as events discussed below make clear.

28. 8 There was no structural incursion into the cabin space except to some degree in the instrument panel and rudder pedal areas.

29. Therefore, to some degree any public relations proposal for any potential client is out of date as soon as it is written.

30. So we've had interventionism to some degree since then and especially in the last 35 years that we've had pure inflationism and interventionism.

31. To build the encouragement and restraint mechanism model in agent construction system is helpful to avoid random action and reduce malversation to some degree.

32. Craving is a natural after-effect of any habitual pleasurable behavior so Cravings are to be expected and to some degree may be unavoidable

33. Alleviate - Can mean "diminish the weight of"; to Alleviate is not to cure, but rather to lighten, lessen, or relieve to some degree

34. An Adversely classified asset is a type of loan classification in which the loan or other asset is considered, to some degree, to be impaired.

35. Alleviate - Can mean "diminish the weight of"; to Alleviate is not to cure, but rather to lighten, lessen, or relieve to some degree

36. To keep production costs in line, Airflows were designed to share many common major components, making parts swapping among cars possible to some degree today.

37. All fluids are Compressible and when subjected to a pressure field causing them to flow, the fluid will expand or be compressed to some degree

38. Chitin vs keratin, both fluctuate to some degree in their mechanical properties; specifically, a few shellfish mineralize their Chitinous exoskeletons to make them harder and stiffer

39. However, it has been polluted to some degree by the emergence of the Internet, omnipresence of advertisement, unregulated mass media, irresponsible translation and Occidentalized literary creation.

40. Antipope, in the Roman Catholic church, one who opposes the legitimately elected pope, endeavors to secure the papal throne, and to some degree succeeds materially in the attempt

41. Alpha test may help to improve your T-levels to some degree, but it is not the most effective T-booster we’ve seen on the market by far

42. Therefore, my brass is slightly harder when I size than someone who Anneals before resizing because my brass has been work hardened to some degree from the firing sequence

43. What does Constructivism have to do with my classroom? As is the case with many of the current/popular paradigms, you're probably already using the constructivist approach to some degree.

44. 16 In this paper the EMF temperature co effects are explained in a way of molecular reacting kinetics, and the athermal effects of EMF are also discussed to some degree.

45. Basques are particularly noted for an identification with sheepherding and are therefore present to some degree in the open-range livestock districts of all thirteen states of the American West.

46. His kind, gentle nature even rubs off on the reclusive Hagi to some degree, particularly after he brings Hagi a plate of food and asks him to join the others.

47. Contextualism in Philosophy: Knowledge, Meaning, and Truth These essays are all concerned to some degree with the extent to which, and the ways in which, the truth conditions of sentences are context dependent

48. Certainly, the question of Audibility to some degree varied from preacher to preacher as a question of the preacher’s skill in public speaking, in speaking energetically, resonantly, and with good breath support for the voice

49. All are based to some degree on NIST’s patented 2013 electrical substitution Bolometer design, which uses an array of vertically aligned ultra-black carbon nanotubes (VACNTs) that absorb more than 99% of the energy of incident

50. Remember, on many camcorders there is a Back light control that's designed to compensate (to some degree) for this exposure problem.A careful balance between front light and Back light can add a 3-D quality to scenes.