to infinity in English

forever, indefinitely

Use "to infinity" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "to infinity" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "to infinity", or refer to the context using the word "to infinity" in the English Dictionary.

1. To infinity and

2. To infinity and...

3. And we're going to go all the way to infinity. All the way to infinity

4. Airflow is ready to scale to infinity.

5. The transfer time increases to infinity too.

6. That tends to infinity when theta approaches zero.

7. And this happens all the way to infinity.

8. A sidereal trip that takes me to infinity

9. A sidereal trip that takes me to infinity.

10. providing a clear picture from 50 m to infinity,

11. From n equals 1 to infinity with -- and there's two ways we could define it.

12. Focus confirmation is available, focus to infinity is only possible with adapter with additional lens.

13. Actually let me do k and that color. k equals 0 all the way to infinity.

14. Spectrums: Our Mind-Boggling Universe from Infinitesimal to Infinity by David Blatner "Spectrums: Our Mind-Boggling Universe from Infinitesimal to Infinity" is a wonderful, educational book that provides a scale across six spectrums representative of our everyday experience: numbers, size, …

15. As a series of real numbers it diverges to infinity, so in the usual sense it has no sum.

16. We can also see that the graph of the Cotangent function near 0 has values that tend to infinity.

17. And rewrite this as the sum k goes from zero to infinity of x to the k over k factorial.

18. Absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration of the molecules and is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to infinity

19. It looks like as we approach x equals negative 4 from the left, the value of our function goes to infinity.

20. Asymptotes, it appears, believe in the famous line: to infinity and beyond, as they are curves that do not have an end

21. Likewise, as we approach x equals negative 4 from the right, it looks like the value of our function goes to infinity.

22. The partial sums of 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ⋯ are 1, 3, 7, 15, ...; since these diverge to infinity, so does the series.

23. The Binomial distribution is therefore approximated by a normal distribution for any fixed (even if is small) as is taken to infinity

24. Convergent and divergent sequences (video) Khan Academy A sequence is "converging" if its terms approach a specific value as we progress through them to infinity

25. First off, the amplitude is not an accurate factor for the tangent and Cotangent functions because they both depart from the x-axis to infinity on both ends.

26. The ratios of geometric least-square means of ReFacto AF-to-ReFacto were # %, # % and # % for K-value, AUCt and AUC (area under the plasma concentration curve from time zero to infinity), respectively

27. The sets appear to have a circular perimeter, however this is just an artifact of the fixed maximum radius allowed by the Escape Time algorithm, and is not a limit of the sets that actually extend in all directions to infinity.

28. Asymptotes An asymptote of a curve y = f (x) that has an infinite branch is called a line such that the distance between the point (x,f (x)) lying on the curve and the line approaches zero as the point moves along the branch to infinity

29. Noun a straight line that is closely approached by a plane curve so that the perpendicular distance between them decreases to zero as the distance from the origin increases to infinity Word Origin for Asymptote C17: from Greek asumptōtos not falling together, from a- 1 + syn- + ptōtos inclined to fall, from piptein to fall