spelled in English

an old kind of wheat with bearded ears and spikelets that each contain two narrow grains, not widely grown but favored as a health food.
Soybeans, corn, wheat and spelt are the focus, along with some dry beans, a little oats, and assorted cover crops.
write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence.
Dolly spelled her name
allow (someone) to rest briefly by taking their place in some activity.
I got sleepy and needed her to spell me for a while at the wheel

Use "spelled" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spelled" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spelled", or refer to the context using the word "spelled" in the English Dictionary.

1. A Correctly spelled word is spelled right

2. Attitudinize Also spelled Attitudinise

3. Formerly also spelled Antichamber

4. It' s spelled H

5. Also spelled Anakoluthia and anakolouthia

6. Coxcomb was once spelled cockscomb

7. Also spelled brattish; Brettice; brettis.

8. Bregma is spelled as [breg-muh]

9. Bohunk is spelled as [boh-huhngk]

10. Althorn is spelled as [alt-hawrn]

11. Churchly is spelled as [church-lee].

12. Befool is spelled as [bih-fool]

13. Barbule is spelled as [bahr-byool]

14. Blither is spelled as [blith -er]

15. Blue Baryte is commonly spelled Barite

16. Alcaeus, also spelled Alkaios, (born c

17. Blastomere is spelled as [blas-tuh-meer]

18. Adygeya, also spelled Adygea, republic, southwestern Russia

19. Calenders are sometimes mis-spelled calendars

20. Affined is spelled as [uh-fahynd]

21. Colewort is spelled as [kohl-wurt, -wawrt].

22. Cannot is sometimes also spelled can not

23. Agamic is spelled as [uh-gam-ik].

24. Agelong is spelled as [eyj-lawng, -long]

25. 50 Famous Company Acronyms All Spelled Out

26. Brinston has been spelled many different ways

27. Bilobate is spelled as [bahy-loh-beyt]

28. Now usually spelled as single word, 'Bigwig'

29. Say hello to BASTNASITE also spelled Bastnaesite

30. Cheeseparing is spelled as [cheez-pair-ing]

31. Actinoid is spelled as [ak-tuh-noid]

32. Abbacy is spelled as [ab-uh-see]

33. Airiness is spelled as [air-ee-nis].

34. Apodal is spelled as [ap-uh-dl]

35. Bladdery is spelled as [blad-uh-ree]

36. Bistoury is spelled as [bis-tuh-ree].

37. Adhibit is spelled as [ad-hib-it].

38. Canonry is spelled as [kan-uh n-ree].

39. Cacography is spelled as [kuh-kog-ruh-fee].

40. Broncobuster is spelled as [brong-koh-buhs-ter].

41. Bibliopole is spelled as [bib-lee-uh-pohl].

42. Algebraist is spelled as [al-juh-brey-ist]

43. Albescent is spelled as [al-bes-uh nt]

44. His name Baal also spelled as Ba’al

45. Battle of Balaklava, also spelled Balaclava, (Oct

46. Cannot is sometimes also spelled can not

47. So I spelled troublesome words for them.

48. Chrominance is spelled as [kroh-muh-nuh ns]

49. Collectivize is spelled as [kuh-lek-tuh-vahyz]

50. Clangor is spelled as [klang-er, klang-ger].