Use "spelled" in a sentence

1. A Correctly spelled word is spelled right

2. Attitudinize Also spelled Attitudinise

3. Formerly also spelled Antichamber

4. It' s spelled H

5. Also spelled Anakoluthia and anakolouthia

6. Coxcomb was once spelled cockscomb

7. Also spelled brattish; Brettice; brettis.

8. Bregma is spelled as [breg-muh]

9. Bohunk is spelled as [boh-huhngk]

10. Althorn is spelled as [alt-hawrn]

11. Churchly is spelled as [church-lee].

12. Befool is spelled as [bih-fool]

13. Barbule is spelled as [bahr-byool]

14. Blither is spelled as [blith -er]

15. Blue Baryte is commonly spelled Barite

16. Alcaeus, also spelled Alkaios, (born c

17. Blastomere is spelled as [blas-tuh-meer]

18. Adygeya, also spelled Adygea, republic, southwestern Russia

19. Calenders are sometimes mis-spelled calendars

20. Affined is spelled as [uh-fahynd]

21. Colewort is spelled as [kohl-wurt, -wawrt].

22. Cannot is sometimes also spelled can not

23. Agamic is spelled as [uh-gam-ik].

24. Agelong is spelled as [eyj-lawng, -long]

25. 50 Famous Company Acronyms All Spelled Out

26. Brinston has been spelled many different ways

27. Bilobate is spelled as [bahy-loh-beyt]

28. Now usually spelled as single word, 'Bigwig'

29. Say hello to BASTNASITE also spelled Bastnaesite

30. Cheeseparing is spelled as [cheez-pair-ing]

31. Actinoid is spelled as [ak-tuh-noid]

32. Abbacy is spelled as [ab-uh-see]

33. Airiness is spelled as [air-ee-nis].

34. Apodal is spelled as [ap-uh-dl]

35. Bladdery is spelled as [blad-uh-ree]

36. Bistoury is spelled as [bis-tuh-ree].

37. Adhibit is spelled as [ad-hib-it].

38. Canonry is spelled as [kan-uh n-ree].

39. Cacography is spelled as [kuh-kog-ruh-fee].

40. Broncobuster is spelled as [brong-koh-buhs-ter].

41. Bibliopole is spelled as [bib-lee-uh-pohl].

42. Algebraist is spelled as [al-juh-brey-ist]

43. Albescent is spelled as [al-bes-uh nt]

44. His name Baal also spelled as Ba’al

45. Battle of Balaklava, also spelled Balaclava, (Oct

46. Cannot is sometimes also spelled can not

47. So I spelled troublesome words for them.

48. Chrominance is spelled as [kroh-muh-nuh ns]

49. Collectivize is spelled as [kuh-lek-tuh-vahyz]

50. Clangor is spelled as [klang-er, klang-ger].

51. Bedabble is spelled as [bih-dab-uh l]

52. Andrew Boorde, Boorde also spelled Borde, (born c

53. Sometimes also aboot, but Abote is spelled funnier

54. Agnomen is spelled as [ag-noh-muh n].

55. Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter.

56. You'll often find his name spelled as Bruegel (Pieter spelled it like that from 1559 onwards) or Breugel or Breughel

57. Corneous is spelled as [kawr-nee-uh s].

58. Buckshee is spelled as [buhk-shee, buhk-shee]

59. Animalcule is spelled as [an-uh-mal-kyool].

60. Athan, also spelled Azan, Azaan, and Adhan, is …

61. Astrakhan (also spelled astrachan) is, properly speaking, the tightly curled fleece of the fetal or newborn karakul (also spelled caracul) lamb

62. Bezant is spelled as [bez-uh nt, bih-zant].

63. Balletomane is spelled as [ba-let-uh-meyn, buh-]

64. Spelled in some Shakespearean texts as "hAbiliment"

65. Spelled, spell check approx., how do you spell approx..

66. Aliform is spelled as [al-uh-fawrm, ey-luh-].

67. Aboral is spelled as [ab-awr-uh l, -ohr-]

68. Bigeneric is spelled as [bahy-juh-ner-ik]

69. The name is commonly spelled Brasilia in English

70. Bespeckle is spelled as [bih-spek-uh l].

71. Biddable is spelled as [bid-uh-buh l].

72. Blameable is spelled as [bley-muh-buh l]

73. Biramous is spelled as [bahy-rey-muh s]

74. Aerology is spelled as [ai-rol-uh-jee]

75. Azulejos is also spelled as Azulejo and Azulezoz

76. Asmara, also spelled Asmera, city, capital of Eritrea

77. Sulfanilamide (also spelled sulphanilamide) is a sulfonamide antibacterial.

78. The recession spelled doom for many small businesses.

79. The memoranda spelled out clearly the fronting scheme.

80. Concernment is spelled as [kuh n-surn-muh nt].