sextants in English

an instrument with a graduated arc of 60° and a sighting mechanism, used for measuring the angular distances between objects and especially for taking altitudes in navigation.
Later, celestial navigation using sextants and fairly accurate clocks enabled absolute positioning, but the sailors had to refer back to dead reckoning on days with poor weather conditions.

Use "sextants" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sextants" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sextants", or refer to the context using the word "sextants" in the English Dictionary.

1. Navigational instruments, Hygrometers, Sextants

2. Including magnetic compasses, sextants, Alidades and peloruses

3. Including magnetic compasses, sextants, Alidades and peloruses

4. Aye, maybe you’re a crack hand with sextants and Aerology.

5. But sextants and clocks weren't useful unless sailors could use these tools to determine their position.

6. Nautical and navigational instruments and apparatus, in particular directional compasses, sextants, barographs, navigational reckoning implements

7. Thankfully, three inventions made modern navigation possible: sextants, clocks and the mathematics necessary to perform the required calculations quickly and easily.

8. There are many who insist that the paradigms of greed, arrogance and usurpation are the true reference points for our sextants.