sexual reproduction in English

the production of new living organisms by combining genetic information from two individuals of different types (sexes). In most higher organisms, one sex (male) produces a small motile gamete that travels to fuse with a larger stationary gamete produced by the other (female).
This is due to the fact that all organisms that rely on sexual reproduction have only two known options to redistribute the output of hunting-gathering activity: eusociality or market exchange.

Use "sexual reproduction" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sexual reproduction" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sexual reproduction", or refer to the context using the word "sexual reproduction" in the English Dictionary.

1. Why is sexual reproduction remarkable?

2. Diplomastigomycotima Sexual reproduction ooagamous, zoospores Biflagellate

3. Beget: To produce (offspring) by sexual reproduction

4. When sexual reproduction does occur, the Apomixis …

5. Sexual reproduction serves to create genetic variety.

6. Sexual reproduction is by oospores, ascospores and Basidiospores

7. Asexual Reproduction; Sexual Reproduction; Conclusion; Meaning of Bryophytes

8. Arthropods have a life cycle with sexual reproduction

9. In Apomixis, sexual reproduction in either suppressed or absent

10. Basidiospores are formed during the sexual reproduction of basidiomycetes

11. Apomixis, Agamospermy, Asexual Reproduction, Fertilized Egg, Polyembryony, Sexual Reproduction

12. Many species can use both asexual and sexual reproduction.

13. IVF works by mimicking the brilliant design of sexual reproduction.

14. 4 words related to Anisogamy: biological science, biology, amphimixis, sexual reproduction

15. Apomixis is the replacement of normal sexual reproduction by asexual reproduction

16. Breeding is sexual reproduction that produces offspring, usually animals or plants

17. In multicellular higher organisms , propagation of species is always by sexual reproduction .

18. In Paramecium, both Autogamy and conjugation are called sexual reproduction because of

19. The role of the Basidium in sexual reproduction is discussed in Heading

20. Genes are those tiny bits of biological information swapped in sexual reproduction.

21. Sexual reproduction begins when two D. salina’s flagella touch leading to gamete fusion.

22. A colony of Bryozoans starts with one Bryozoa, which forms from sexual reproduction

23. Basidium is a club-shaped structure which develops during the sexual reproduction of basidiomycetes

24. The Archegonium represents one of the key evolutionary innovations for sexual reproduction in land plants

25. Basidiospores are the result of sexual reproduction and formed on a structure called the basidium

26. Autogamy is a type of sexual reproduction, whether Automixis and Apomixis are the type of parthenogenesis

27. In contrast to sexual reproduction, seedlings arising from Apomixis retain the genotype of the maternal parent

28. Basidium definition: the structure, produced by basidiomycetous fungi after sexual reproduction , in which Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

29. However, both events (spore formation and fertilization) are necessary to complete sexual reproduction in the plant life cycle.

30. There are some bacteria like E . coli which exhibit a form of sexual reproduction described as Ijacterial conjugation ' .

31. Allogamy and xenogamy are the two types of cross pollinations that occur during the sexual reproduction of higher plants

32. Anisogamy refers to a form of sexual reproduction involving the union or fusion of two dissimilar gametes — anisogamous, anisogamic,

33. Vineale produces a scape with an inflorescence containing Bulbils (asexual reproduction), flowers (sexual reproduction), or a combination of both.

34. Although they do not use the haploid/diploid method of sexual reproduction, bacteria have many methods of acquiring new genetic information.

35. And very importantly, with the introduction of sexual reproduction that passes on the genome, the rest of the body becomes expendable.

36. All Cnidarian species are capable of sexual reproduction, which occurs in only one phase of the life cycle, usually the medusa

37. Basidium A club-shaped organ of sexual reproduction in basidiomycetes (fungi), which has 4 (less commonly, 8) haploid basidiospores at its tip

38. To form a cocoon for its eggs, the Clitellum secretes a viscous fluid.This organ is used in sexual reproduction of some annelids.

39. To form a cocoon for its eggs, the Clitellum secretes a viscous fluid.This organ is used in sexual reproduction of some annelids.

40. Anisogamy definition: a type of sexual reproduction in which the gametes are dissimilar , either in size alone Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

41. Anisogamy can be defined as a mode of sexual reproduction in which fusing gametes, formed by participating parents, are dissimilar in size.

42. 10 In humus soil, cordate prothalli did not bear archegonia,( and thus the process of sexual reproduction ofSgrevilleoides could not be finished.

43. Hypernyms ("Anisogamy" is a kind of): amphimixis; sexual reproduction (reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male and a female gamete)

44. The Clearest evidences as to the stages in the evolution of sexual reproduction is found in the plant world among the green algæ

45. The major advantage of Apomixis over sexual reproduction is the possibility to select individuals with desirable gene combinations and to propagate them as clones.

46. Life History of Arthropods: Though sexual reproduction is a pre­requisite for the initiation of development in Arthropods yet instances of parthenogenesis are plenty

47. Apomixis (asexual seed formation) is the result of a plant gaining the ability to bypass the most fundamental aspects of sexual reproduction: meiosis and fertilization

48. The existence of such Anciently asexual groups calls into question the hypothesis that sexual reproduction is indispensable for the long-term evolutionary success of a …

49. Both Anaphase I and Anaphase II are the phases of meiosis which is the part and parcel of sexual reproduction in human beings and other animals

50. Apomixis (asexual seed formation) is a phenomenon in which a plant bypasses the most fundamental aspects of sexual reproduction—meiosis and fertilization—to form a viable seed