sextant in English

an instrument with a graduated arc of 60° and a sighting mechanism, used for measuring the angular distances between objects and especially for taking altitudes in navigation.
Later, celestial navigation using sextants and fairly accurate clocks enabled absolute positioning, but the sailors had to refer back to dead reckoning on days with poor weather conditions.

Use "sextant" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sextant" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sextant", or refer to the context using the word "sextant" in the English Dictionary.

1. It's a sextant.

2. Is sextant still widely used for navigation?

3. Williamson, look to your sextant.

4. Sextant can be used for exploration and navigation .

5. A sextant, an accurate chronometer and a celestial almanac.

6. Other early instruments included the sextant and the astrolabe.

7. 25 Even Powell, constantly consulting sextant and compass, felt flummoxed.

8. Sextant once played a very important role in navigation.

9. To navigate , they must fix their sextant on something concrete.

10. Astrolabe - an early form of sextant sextant - a measuring instrument for measuring the angular distance between celestial objects; resembles an octant Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

11. That was one of the problems of using the piste and a sextant.

12. Celestial navigation - Astronavigation Take the sextant and shoot the Sun or the North Star

13. Does the sheep need to know how to use a complicated sextant to calculate its coordinates?

14. Demonstrate the use of sextant, pelorus, azimuth mirror and ability to plot position, course, bearings.

15. Yrvind is the inventor of the Bris sextant, a small, angle-measuring instrument used in navigation

16. It consists of a graduated circular disc with a movable sighting deviceCompare sextant Word Origin for Astrolabe

17. Reduction from sextant altitude to observed altitude for any of the 9110 stars, nine planets, and sun and moon.

18. Because of the track, navigation had been easy and I had been leaving my sextant in the Land Rover.

19. So I forgot about him, at least until that evening when I gave Ellen some practice with the sextant.

20. You had to be able to fix your position just like a ship at sea,[] with sextant and star charts.

21. The sextant was 11 metres long and once rose to the top of the surrounding 3 storey structure although it was kept underground to protect it from earthquakes.

22. The company outfitted him with a sextant, an artificial horizon, compass, thermometers, watches, Nautical Almanacs, and all the instruments and supplies necessary to carry out his surveying.

23. 6 Aqualungs; 4 Trade package slots; Sextant in the crow's nest that allows the player to see any ships on the map in the nearby area (800 m) Eznan Cutter Lutesong Junk (Eastern Style)

24. Of course it can be done, and Astronavigation was often used in long-range flights, and transatlantic passenger liners such as the Super Constellation were fitted with a plexiglas astro-dome so that the navigator might 'take' the stars with a bubble sextant

25. ‘A form of Astrocompass is the sun compass, which utilizes the shadow of a pin.’ ‘The Astrocompass functions by means of measured movement in three independent axes.’ ‘The goal of this expedition was to navigate to the North Magnetic Pole by traditional means using a sextant and an Astrocompass.’