sex symbol in English

a person widely noted for their sexual attractiveness.
She, above all people, realized that he would be a sex symbol and a heartthrob, and you know, he was initially bashful and kind of rattled by all the attention, but now he has eased into it, and I think he rather enjoys the role.
synonyms:sexually attractive personsex objectsexpotsex kitten

Use "sex symbol" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sex symbol" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sex symbol", or refer to the context using the word "sex symbol" in the English Dictionary.

1. From kid-show star to sex symbol,

2. As a young film star, she was packaged as a sex symbol.

3. 11 The modern-day sex symbol has now taken the place of the old-fashioned hero of yesteryear.

4. 14 In the 1960s, there were three worldly-known persons from France, namely president Charles de Gaulle, the sex symbol Brigitte Bardot, and the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre.

5. For many Bimbos, their main goal is altering their looks to become a sex symbol - but how does this tally with female empowerment? "Bimbofication is an expression of a woman’s sexuality.