sand bar in English

a long, narrow sandbank, especially at the mouth of a river.
Heidiphyllum elongatum was probably a relatively low-growing shrubby voltzialean conifer that formed dominant to monospecific thickets in areas of higher water table on a floodplain, or on sandbars within the braided river channels.

Use "sand bar" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sand bar" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sand bar", or refer to the context using the word "sand bar" in the English Dictionary.

1. The shack's on the other side of the sand bar.

2. The York garrison was constructed at the entrance of the town's natural harbour, sheltered by a long sand-bar peninsula.

3. In the Middle Ages, Chioggia proper was known as Clugia major, whereas Clugia minor was a sand bar about 600 m further into the Adriatic.

4. Inspection of a chart of nuclides reveals a "sand bar" of Actinoid and neighboring elements when a suitable half-life level is chosen

5. 17 There are six depositional systems classfied for the depression: alluvial fan, underwater fan, fan delta, fluvial, shore-shallow lake sand bar and deep-lake depositional system.

6. Nevertheless, all the mobile sand has been accumulated in a longshore sand bar between the beach and the 7 m depth line. By coring, a terrace has been detected, which resulted from the mechanism of the backgoing shore system.