Use "sand bar" in a sentence

1. The shack's on the other side of the sand bar.

2. The York garrison was constructed at the entrance of the town's natural harbour, sheltered by a long sand-bar peninsula.

3. In the Middle Ages, Chioggia proper was known as Clugia major, whereas Clugia minor was a sand bar about 600 m further into the Adriatic.

4. Inspection of a chart of nuclides reveals a "sand bar" of Actinoid and neighboring elements when a suitable half-life level is chosen

5. 17 There are six depositional systems classfied for the depression: alluvial fan, underwater fan, fan delta, fluvial, shore-shallow lake sand bar and deep-lake depositional system.

6. Nevertheless, all the mobile sand has been accumulated in a longshore sand bar between the beach and the 7 m depth line. By coring, a terrace has been detected, which resulted from the mechanism of the backgoing shore system.