klima in English


family name; Viktor Klima (born 1947) veteran Austrian statesman, Federal Chancellor of Austria from 1997 to 2000

Use "klima" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "klima" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "klima", or refer to the context using the word "klima" in the English Dictionary.

1. A breakthrough measure suggested by Klima was to use ammonia as the coolant for the heat pump.

2. 37 rows  · The Climes (singular clime; also clima, plural climata, from Greek κλίμα klima, plural κλίματα …

3. Fotothek df roe-neg 0006140 035 Wanderer genießen die Aussicht vom Brocken.jpg 800 × 525; 127 KB Heinrich Heine Gedenkstein Brocken.jpg 573 × 398; 85 KB Klima Tafel Brocken.jpg 716 × 442; 116 KB

4. Honako funtzio hauek ditugu: ingurumen-politika antolatu, programatu eta koordinatu; ingurumen eta uren arloko arauak prestatzeko lanak sustatu; ingurumenaren prebentzio, babes eta leheneratzea lortzeko tresnak diseinatu eta garatu; klima-aldaketaren egokitzapena lortzeko eta Beraren kontra borroka

5. Engang var de gamle Cisterner fyldt med 16 millioner liter drikkevand, men nu er vandet væk og er i stedet blevet erstattet af kunstudstillinger og forskellige arrangementer og events, der alle tager udgangspunkt i stedets arkitektur og helt særlige klima