rodomontade in English

boastful or inflated talk or behavior.
Since that moment, the football gods punished the team's rodomontade with injuries, embarrassment, and a 2000 flameout.
talk boastfully.
The song, which boasts that the club is ‘Super Bowl bound,’ played nonstop in Jacksonville after the 62-7 game - and it's been downhill ever since as the football gods punish the rodomontading franchise.

Use "rodomontade" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rodomontade" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rodomontade", or refer to the context using the word "rodomontade" in the English Dictionary.

1. A detestable compound of vulgarity and rodomontade .

2. So absurd rodomontade , people nature can be anounced derisive.

3. 19 A detestable compound of vulgarity and rodomontade .

4. Bombast, rhapsody, rant, fustian, rodomontade all designate a style of speech or writing characterized by high flown pomposity or pretentiousness of language disproportionate to the thought or subject matter

5. After those rodomontade websites are collected, before long the keyword ranks the first literary works that brings tens of thousands of IP, you need not look, eight Chengdu are fart.