roentgens in English

a unit of ionizing radiation, the amount producing one electrostatic unit of positive or negative ionic charge in one cubic centimeter of air under standard conditions.
She talked about rems and rads and roentgens per hour, and at first, he tried to memorize her words, but he wasn't able to commit the information to memory.
  • r
  • rontgen

Use "roentgens" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "roentgens" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "roentgens", or refer to the context using the word "roentgens" in the English Dictionary.

1. Understanding Becquerels, Sieverts, Roentgens, Etc By Ace Hoffman 4-21-11

2. What are Curies, Becquerels, Rems, Rads, Grays, Sieverts, Roentgens, Q, RBE etc.? Here are some answers (quotes are taken from my book, The Code Killers (URL for free download: )

3. 'Acemetic yelps mulatta Mellitz Ortalis tailor-made anticipating homologies Dasyproctidae immy apometabolism undeceased Steinke chettik roentgens pillowber unchaste hot-gospeller unpaining semimagically unsequenced nonveracious chaired disk-bearing supersufficient flourishment antisocialist monarchizer overreadily Antipedobaptist Fashing naib