jus proprietatis in English

(Latin) right of property

Use "jus proprietatis" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jus proprietatis" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jus proprietatis", or refer to the context using the word "jus proprietatis" in the English Dictionary.

1. In Arrogationem, Fr quam in alienum transeat jus & familiam

2. Moral Blamability of individuals whose choices violate principles of jus-tice

3. How to Make the Beefiest Au Jus Sauce You’ve Ever Tasted

4. “I'm jus trynna roll a fuckin Blaent” – popular memes on the site ifunny.co

5. Veal Rossini on Wild Mushroom Risotto Asparagus, Duck Liver, Sea Salt and Truffle Jus.

6. For some Affirmants, jus cogens norms have effects going even beyond those described in Article 53

7. Most countries accept that housing leasehold has some effect of jus in rem to some degree.

8. Roti of Quail and Squab stuffed with Mushrooms, Crispy Potato Strings , and Natural Jus with Truffles.

9. Might there be legislative treaties of this type, overriding previous treaties irrespective of any question of jus cogens?

10. Le Jus is a IPA - New England style beer brewed by Alarmist Brewing in Chicago, IL

11. Les aliments les plus fermentescibles car riches en fructose sont egalement : la pomme, poire, prune, pruneau, raisin, figue, datte, fruits en boite, jus de pomme, de raisin, de poire, Confiture au jus de fruits, miel, boissons gazeuses et gommes a macher.

12. La délicate Aiguillette de Saint-Pierre se fond dans un jus d'agrumes.: The tender Aiguillette of Saint-Pierre melts in its citrus jus.: Laissez cuire 3/4 minutes en retournant l' Aiguillette, le cœur et le gésier confit

13. Trailer: The Series Premiere of "Ambitions" Ambitions Oprah Winfrey NetworkBest show familyLovers, competitors, enemies, traitors, scandal—and that's jus

14. Within a few years, another local council, also directed against �Spanish Adoptionism,� was held in Fr�jus (Friuli) (796 or 797).

15. The jus Augurale (augural law) was rigorously secret, therefore very little about the technical aspects of ceremonies and rituals has been recorded

16. Divide Courageous into syllables: cou-ra-geous How to pronounce Courageous: ker-ey-jus How to say Courageous: How to pronounce Courageous

17. Jus primatiale: or, The ancient right and preheminency of the See of Armagh, above all other Archbishopricks in the Kingdom of Ireland

18. Beef Consomme is made separately with the help of a recipe, however, Au Jus occurs as a result of preparing soft and juicy meat.

19. Les faire cuire a feu doux (ou moyen) pendant 15min.Couper les oignons.Après cuisson des Andouillettes, faire cuire les oignons dans le jus

20. Jus primatiale: or, The ancient right and preheminency of the See of Armagh, [microform] above all other Archbishopricks in the Kingdom of Ireland.

21. Godine i bavi se metalnom konstrukcijom, izradom i doradom, sa naglaskom na metalne Cisterne (rezervoari) po JUS standardu različitih zapremina počev od 3mᶟ do 100mᶟ.

22. Évitez les Citrons à peau trop rugueuse car ils contiennent en général moins de chair (donc moins de jus)

23. The beef Consomme is a whole dish itself, however, Au Jus is just a liquid that is coming out of meat in a dish, which is juicy

24. The Backstreets Prime Rib Dip $12.95 Thin sliced, slow-cooked prime rib on a grilled ciabatta roll with lettuce, tomato and creamy horseradish mayo served with au jus

25. This is also clearly expressed, with a simplicity that contrasts with Grotius’ Ciceronian turns of phrase, in the Latin adage — which I believe everyone is familiar with — ubi societas ibi jus.