resurrected in English

restore (a dead person) to life.
he was dead, but he was resurrected
synonyms:raise from the deadrestore to liferevive

Use "resurrected" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resurrected" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resurrected", or refer to the context using the word "resurrected" in the English Dictionary.

1. 16 Sunday Jesus resurrected 128

2. The campaign for spelling reform has been resurrected.

3. But resurrected anointed ones have far greater glory.

4. What types of people are going to be resurrected?

5. As a man on earth, Jesus resurrected several persons.

6. Attis died after being castrated and was resurrected by Cybele

7. 10 Of course, those resurrected by Jesus eventually died again.

8. Imagine living under such conditions with your resurrected loved ones!

9. After Jesus was resurrected, He showed Himself to His disciples.

10. Elijah resurrected a widow’s son. —1 Kings 17:17-24

11. However, it was not until 1965 that the topic was resurrected.

12. (Mark 4:37-39) In fact, he even resurrected the dead.

13. All humankind will be resurrected and receive the blessing of immortality.

14. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and resurrected the dead.

15. Vandroogenbroeck resurrected the Brainticket name for the 2000 album Alchemic Universe.

16. 11 According to the Christian religion,Jesus Christ resurrected from death.

17. I will be resurrected (“He Sent His Son” [CS, 34–35]).

18. The term incorruption refers to the resurrected body, which will live forever.

19. Do you believe that the Lord was literally resurrected from the dead?

20. Because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, all mankind will be resurrected.

21. When a body is burnt, it cannot be resurrected until Judgement Day.

22. According to Revelation 11:11, they ‘stood up,’ or figuratively were resurrected.

23. 6 Almost all Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead.

24. Several members of the party have resurrected the idea of constitutional change.

25. After he resurrected Lazarus, they even admitted: “This man performs many signs.”

26. What is the difference between our mortal bodies and our resurrected bodies?

27. They actually heard the resurrected Jesus speak by the Sea of Galilee.

28. Note the typical crude woodcut illustration, probably resurrected from an earlier publication.

29. Because, if he was not resurrected, Christianity is based on a false foundation.

30. * Angels are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129.

31. When they are resurrected, they receive an assignment of work in the heavens.

32. After a thousand years, she is resurrected by Endymion and reunited with Glaucus.

33. Consider what happened when the Jewish hierarchy heard that Jesus had resurrected Lazarus.

34. The resurrected saints, or holy ones, will be compassionate rulers over the earth

35. Explain that these feelings are what the disciples felt when Jesus was resurrected.

36. 13 Jesus said that “all those in the memorial tombs” will be resurrected.

37. Bisbee was resurrected from the ashes of the Mining Industry into an Arts Community

38. What convincing proof did Jesus give to his disciples that he had been resurrected?

39. 2 In the spring of 33 C.E., the resurrected Jesus faces a similar challenge.

40. Ancient Egyptians even put Ankhs in tombs to give energy to the resurrected spirit

41. Many conservatives resurrected traditional isolationism, protecting American moral purity against contamination by the expedient.

42. The Fifties polka dot is also resurrected in a variety of vibrant pinks and purples.

43. However, the true meaning of the mysterious resurrected unicorn in the last panel is unclear.

44. He enjoys all this renaissance art, full of noble statesmen, florid gestures and people being resurrected.

45. 27 The Bible tells us much more about life in Paradise after the dead are resurrected.

46. Years after that event, some Christians in Corinth started to question whether Jesus had been resurrected.

47. 17 Through his powerful holy spirit, Jehovah, along with the resurrected Jesus, directed the preaching activity.

48. When he resurrected a 12-year-old girl, her parents “were beside themselves with great ecstasy.”

49. Jonah was swallowed by some sort of huge fish but then came out as if resurrected.

50. (1 Peter 3:21, 22) Would Jesus remain the only one to be resurrected to heaven?