resurrections in English

the action or fact of resurrecting or being resurrected.
the story of the resurrection of Osiris

Use "resurrections" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resurrections" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resurrections", or refer to the context using the word "resurrections" in the English Dictionary.

1. (b) What resurrections did Jesus perform?

2. The Bible documents a number of resurrections.

3. He empowered some of his devoted servants to perform actual resurrections.

4. As you read the accounts, note how these resurrections took place in front of many eyewitnesses.

5. (Isaiah 26:19) Long before that, Elijah and Elisha were empowered by Jehovah to perform actual resurrections.

6. 4 As people begin to study the Bible, most read accounts of past resurrections, such as the raising of Lazarus.

7. God has given us a record of past resurrections in order to comfort us and to build up our faith.

8. Some of these faithful people were actually eyewitnesses to resurrections that God performed through his prophets and through Jesus and the apostles.

9. (Ac 2:22) The miraculous cures and resurrections he performed not only excited wonderment but also portended what he would do on a greater scale in the future.