raise in English

an increase in salary.
he wants a raise and some perks
synonyms:pay increaseincrement
(in poker or brag) an increase in a stake.
It is usual to agree, before the start of the game, a limit for bets and raises in the poker stage.
lift or move to a higher position or level.
she raised both arms above her head
synonyms:liftlift uphold aloftelevateupliftupraiseupthrusthoisthaul uphitch up

Use "raise" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "raise" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "raise", or refer to the context using the word "raise" in the English Dictionary.

1. Corpses raise questions, questions raise armies.

2. Raise shields.

3. It'd raise the dead, kill them, and raise them again.

4. Raise yourself, peacock!

5. Is to raise.

6. Raise your head.

7. Raise your arms

8. Raise the bridges!

9. Raise search periscope.

10. Raise your hands!

11. Raise your weapons!

12. If we raise the age of retirement, the AARP will raise hell.

13. Raise your weapons.

14. Raise the curtain.

15. Raise your knees.

16. Raise the outer gate.

17. Can't raise the nose.

18. She'll raise holy hell.

19. Raise your arms, please.

20. Raise your hands high!

21. Now I will raise the boy the way his father told me to raise him.

22. These discoveries raise intriguing questions.

23. Do not raise fucking hackle.

24. You give her a raise?

25. Raise the bag a little.

26. He just got a raise.

27. French raise a big stink.

28. Object warlike raise one's hand.

29. Yes. I got a raise.

30. Why did you raise me?

31. Then don't raise her again.

32. Activate, Raise or Minimize Task

33. And I expect a raise.

34. 4 Thereinafter educe universality guidance disciplinarian of exiting line raise speed, for other raise speed line reference.

35. All she needed to do was raise the hemlines, raise the heels, and leave off the wimple.

36. The agency may not raise loans

37. Did they raise the terror alert?

38. Raise it up the master's arse!

39. The agency may not raise loans.

40. Investment and ability to raise capital

41. I know how to raise children.

42. Raise the flag of freedom high!

43. I’ll raise you if you fall.

44. You had a raise in February.

45. 8 I didn't get a raise.

46. Media advocacy helps raise public awareness

47. Investments and ability to raise capital

48. Anyone alive, just raise your hand.

49. 14 They will raise their voice,

50. How can parents raise happy children?