remonstrate in English

make a forcefully reproachful protest.
he turned angrily to remonstrate with Tommy
synonyms:protestcomplainexpostulateargue withtake issue withobject strongly tocomplain vociferously aboutprotest againstargue againstoppose stronglymake a fuss aboutchallengedeplorecondemndenouncecriticizekick up a fuss/stink about

Use "remonstrate" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "remonstrate" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "remonstrate", or refer to the context using the word "remonstrate" in the English Dictionary.

1. Miss Temple seemed to remonstrate.

2. I don't remonstrate, I simply answer you.

3. He went to the manager to remonstrate.

4. I jumped in the car and went to remonstrate.

5. Did you not remonstrate against such infamy?

6. I went to the boss to remonstrate against the new rules.

7. And did you not remonstrate against such infamy?

8. I feel almost duty-bound to remonstrate you, sir.

9. We'd open our mouths to remonstrate. He'd toddle off.

10. Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them?

11. I went to the farm to remonstrate with the farmer.

12. So please don't remonstrate; in talking about it you have me at a disadvantage.

13. Condoning the rebellious marriage, she went off to remonstrate with Nash. JOHNNY LUDLOW, THIRD SERIES MRS.

14. Or, if they did, they knew better than to remonstrate with the grim-faced man behind her.

15. He turned angrily to remonstrate with Tommy, only to see a rat the size of a rabbit lying between his legs.

16. The Boro skipper raced across the field to remonstrate with the official and was lucky to escape with just a yellow card.