lambaste in English

criticize (someone or something) harshly.
they lambasted the report as a gross distortion of the truth
synonyms:criticizechastisecensuretake to taskharanguerail atrant atfulminate againstupbraidscoldreprimandrebukecastigatechidereproveadmonishberatelay intotear intogive someone a dressing-downdress downgive someone what forgive someone a tongue-lashingtell offbawl outchew outexcoriate

Use "lambaste" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lambaste" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lambaste", or refer to the context using the word "lambaste" in the English Dictionary.

1. Teacher's silent half point at me and lambaste after ring:You are a smelly rascal!

2. You often publicly lambaste certain industries or practices, but rarely specific companies or people.

3. If you are not able to give absolution — I make this hypothesis — please, do not “lambaste”.

4. Synonyms for Arraign include attack, censure, condemn, criticise, criticize, admonish, castigate, chastise, lambaste and pillory

5. Synonyms for Castigate include lambaste, berate, censure, criticise, criticize, chastise, rebuke, reprimand, admonish and scold

6. Synonyms for Criticize include censure, condemn, knock, pan, denounce, blast, disparage, slam, lambaste and arraign

7. Synonyms for Criticise include censure, condemn, knock, pan, denounce, blast, disparage, slam, lambaste and arraign

8. After an exhausting primary season, the Democratic Party gathers in Denver to anoint its presidential candidate and lambaste the Republicans.

9. SLOSSON I want to go out and help lambaste those infernally Cocksure armies of that jelly-and-cream King

10. The cool president has turned hot on the stump, stripping to shirtsleeves to lambaste doubters in New Jersey Thursday.

11. Synonyms for throw Brickbats at include have a go at, attack, criticise, criticize, find fault with, arraign, censure, condemn, denounce and lambaste

12. I originally think to say so, she will be definitely very bashful, Adidas JS Teddy Bear, again or is lambaste my sex maniac.

13. I know some people may lambaste me for this statement, but in all honestly, there's a strong level of truth in that assumption.

14. The Republican Party holds its pre-election convention in Minneapolis-St Paul to anoint its candidate to succeed President Bush - and to lambaste the Democrats.

15. Pa. ), who then proceeded to lambaste Toyota for failing to act sooner to deal with safety problems and threw in a plug for the U. S. product-liability system.

16. Caesar is still so a smiling face of glitter, but the celebration cared chilly Ling Feng then cut up rowdy and had no to rationally lambaste:"You this ......this shameless female!"

17. I have met people that praise my country for its equality freedom and wealth and I have met others that lambaste it for its inequality tolerance of iniquity and selfishness.

18. Even someone at in order to suffer from a harmful kid to greatly make a school, lambaste a teacher and greatly go to law court, the public also all everythings carry on in the kid's eyelid underneath.