Use "remonstrate" in a sentence

1. Miss Temple seemed to remonstrate.

2. I don't remonstrate, I simply answer you.

3. He went to the manager to remonstrate.

4. I jumped in the car and went to remonstrate.

5. Did you not remonstrate against such infamy?

6. I went to the boss to remonstrate against the new rules.

7. And did you not remonstrate against such infamy?

8. I feel almost duty-bound to remonstrate you, sir.

9. We'd open our mouths to remonstrate. He'd toddle off.

10. Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them?

11. I went to the farm to remonstrate with the farmer.

12. So please don't remonstrate; in talking about it you have me at a disadvantage.

13. Condoning the rebellious marriage, she went off to remonstrate with Nash. JOHNNY LUDLOW, THIRD SERIES MRS.

14. Or, if they did, they knew better than to remonstrate with the grim-faced man behind her.

15. He turned angrily to remonstrate with Tommy, only to see a rat the size of a rabbit lying between his legs.

16. The Boro skipper raced across the field to remonstrate with the official and was lucky to escape with just a yellow card.