put across in English

successfully communicate a point; manage successfully

Use "put across" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "put across" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "put across", or refer to the context using the word "put across" in the English Dictionary.

1. Did I put across the idea?

2. What point is he trying to put across?

3. The information had not been put across properly.

4. Who can speak and put across everything he knows?

5. He was trying to put across a serious point.

6. During the meeting, her ideas were clearly put across.

7. Is there anything I can put across the hallway?

8. The unscrupulous merchants tried to put across their illicit enterprises.

9. The new librarian put across a fine new library building.

10. We teachers often find such things very difficult to put across.

11. I didn't understand the point she was trying to put across.

12. He could not put across his point of view to the audience.

13. He failed to put across his feelings when they went out together.

14. Satan makes full use of the media to put across this degraded mentality.

15. Well, so far it looks good. Why don't you put across the back?

16. Words are only essential to put across more abstract concepts and intellectual ideas.

17. I am so happy that you remember every word I put across to you.

18. The woman in the market put across me by selling me some bad eggs.

19. The signals you put across at the job interview can flag your future ambitions.

20. Under the management of Li Xiangyang put across all the engineering projects with close cooperation.

21. The Conservative's policy, already formulated on comprehensive schools, was not an easy one to put across.

22. This group must put across its views and gain popular support and understanding for its campaign.

23. Using bullet points can help to put across this information in a succinct , easy - to - absorb way.

24. One powerful message put across by the curriculum in most schools is that knowledge can be divided into compartments.

25. Why therefore cannot that message be put across with greater alacrity and greater effectiveness, by the Commission in particular?

26. No brushed aluminium and rosewood here; its stereo systems are designed with graph-paper severity to put across an austere seriousness.

27. In addition to the uses shown below, Across is used in phrasal verbs such as 'come Across', 'get Across', and 'put Across'. 1

28. Language note: In addition to the uses shown below, Across is used in phrasal verbs such as 'come Across,' 'get Across,' and 'put Across.' If someone or something goes Across a place or a boundary, they go from one side of it to the other

29. As far as PM’s interaction with the CEOs, as I mentioned, there will be one interaction, a round table, in which both Indian PM and Swedish PM will participate and address the gathering and some of the CEOs from the gathering, select few, would get to speak very briefly and put across their view point.