portrayal in English

a depiction of someone or something in a work of art or literature.
a realistic portrayal of war

Use "portrayal" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "portrayal" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "portrayal", or refer to the context using the word "portrayal" in the English Dictionary.

1. A Buddhist portrayal of a satanic “hell”

2. It was a very unfair portrayal of you.

3. This is a portrayal of malevolence on a grand scale.

4. Noun portrayal; description: the actor's Characterization of a politician

5. A brief vivid portrayal or depiction: a literary Cameo

6. Examples: Favourable portrayal of excessive, binge or competition drinking

7. Critics knocked his latest film for its portrayal of women.

8. The film is not an accurate portrayal of his life.

9. He scrutinizes Alongshore portrayal by writers, artists, and the popular media

10. The article examines the portrayal of gay men in the media.

11. Spacek won an Oscar for her portrayal of Loretta Lynn.

12. A particularly moving scene was the portrayal of Elders James E.

13. Lucky Louie is described as a Bluntly realistic portrayal of family life.

14. Many have criticized Hollywood for its unrealistic portrayal of life in America.

15. I cannot accept the article's portrayal of these men as bloodthirsty terrorists.

16. Wiley's portrayal of masculinity is filtered through these poses of power and spirituality.

17. His latest film is a fairly grim portrayal of war-time suffering.

18. His novel is a vivid portrayal of life in a mining community.

19. Many are influenced by television’s portrayal of children outsmarting and dominating their parents.

20. Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nursing Puts Us All at Risk.

21. Jean Smart's portrayal of Martha Logan in the fifth season was equally acclaimed.

22. An emoticon is a textual portrayal of a writer's mood or facial expression.

23. The media persists in its portrayal of us as muggers(Sentencedict.com), dope sellers and gangsters.

24. Brad Pitt, American actor known for his good looks and portrayal of unconventional characters

25. Departments are expected to adapt this portrayal to their own unique and individual circumstances.

26. Brando later won an Academy Award for his portrayal, which he refused to accept.

27. Her portrayal of Sister Luke is one of the great performances of the screen."

28. Yet beneath their glowing and reverent portrayal, there seemed to lurk another Abu Kamal.

29. The media persists in its portrayal of us as muggers, dope sellers and gangsters.

30. Constanze said many years later that it was an accurate portrayal of her anguish.

31. She shows a full range of emotions in her portrayal of an ambitious politician.

32. In addition, pornography was prohibited and advertising codes prohibited the portrayal of women as sex objects.

33. The Bacchae: Euripides’ Critical Portrayal Of the Cult of Dionysus 6 bull (lines 778-780)

34. Director Redgrave tips sympathy somewhat toward the conspirators through his portrayal of the title role.

35. 22 Yet beneath their glowing and reverent portrayal, there seemed to lurk another Abu Kamal.

36. The success of our manufactured exports gives the lie to the Opposition's portrayal of manufacturing.

37. In their portrayal, delinquency is seen as a natural and rational choice for residents of these areas.

38. Bloodlines is a harrowing portrayal of a cartel family’s thirst for power, money and fast horses

39. A realistic portrayal of the life and times of the legendary outlaw well worth the visit.

40. The book was controversial in his home town, where many people took issue with his fictional portrayal.

41. This is a sensitive and often funny portrayal of a friendship between two 11-year-old boys.

42. The author's Craftsmanship is evident in her portrayal of the nail-biting tension between the characters.

43. The audience was happy, they accepted my portrayal and they were moved to tears as well as laughter.

44. We were fascinated to learn earlier this summer about Biddy Mason’s story and her portrayal in the …

45. Hiroshige's Plum Park in Kameido demonstrates portrayal of beautiful subject matter with flat patterns of colors and no shadow.

46. 20 But the convincing portrayal of childhood fantasies, fears and rituals is marred by the unnecessary melodramatic final sequence.

47. The Camera Obscura was seen as a drawing tool for a clearer and realistic portrayal of objects.

48. But the convincing portrayal of childhood fantasies, fears and rituals is marred by the unnecessary melodramatic final sequence.

49. Powered by Chris Cooper's masterful performance, Breach is a tense and engaging portrayal of the FBI's infamous turncoat.

50. Jeffrey Borak wrote that Banks' portrayal was acted "with poise, clarity and a shrewd feel for Cherie's complexities.