portrays in English

depict (someone or something) in a work of art or literature.
the author wanted to portray a new type of hero

Use "portrays" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "portrays" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "portrays", or refer to the context using the word "portrays" in the English Dictionary.

1. It portrays him as cold and uncaring.

2. 3 He portrays a whisky-sodden Catholic priest.

3. He portrays the psyche as poly-centric.

4. Unlike the previous Police Story films where he portrays a Hong Kong cop, Chan instead portrays a mainland Chinese officer.

5. He portrays a whisky-sodden Catholic priest.

6. Popular tradition portrays Richard III as a hunchback.

7. The diary portrays his family as quarrelsome and malicious.

8. The film portrays Gandhi as a kind of superman.

9. He portrays an officer in the Khmer Royal Navy.

10. In Cadillac Man, Robin Williams portrays a used car salesman.

11. In the play, Shaw portrays Androcles to be one of …

12. The book portrays her in a most unflattering light.

13. Some viewers objected to the interracial romance the show portrays.

14. His novel Boyos portrays life among mobsters in the working class …

15. Blair's style and attitude portrays her as being quite preppy.

16. 19 The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.

17. 10 The painting portrays a beautiful young woman in a blue dress.

18. The book of Proverbs portrays God’s firstborn Son as wisdom personified.

19. In his autobiography, he portrays his father as cold and heartless.

20. The Bible book of Acts clearly portrays the pagan atmosphere surrounding early Christianity.

21. 26 The intelligence estimate portrays the pandemic as the bad side of globalisation.

22. The intelligence estimate portrays the pandemic as the bad side of globalisation.

23. The museum collection vividly portrays the heritage of 200 years of canals.

24. This portrays her as wimpy, but she has a very strong character.

25. Volume 7 of TERRALOG portrays the Agamid Lizards of Southern Asia in two parts

26. He clearly portrays the pressures that changing gender roles exert on family life.

27. 2020 The film’s trailer portrays Music as a nonverbal teenager who uses Augmentative and alternative

28. (Genesis 13:8, 9) Nothing in the Bible record portrays Abraham as an ambitious man.

29. Chinese - American pop star Leehom Wang portrays Kuang Yumin, a student collaborator of Wang Jiazhi's.

30. The case report at hand portrays the treatment of a neonate suffering from tracheal agenesis.

31. Taylor portrays Hitler as a sour, arrogant, Abstemious spoilsport and friend to small animals

32. It also vividly portrays what that love is like and how it is displayed.

33. A second life drama portrays the predominance of paranoid thinking, reflected in mistrust, suspicion, and jealousy.

34. According to Miyazaki, the movie portrays the gulf between independence and reliance in teenage Japanese girls.

35. The film vividly portrays the seamy side of life in the London of the early 70s.

36. Cataphract portrays the development of the art of war wrought by the early Byzantine Empire

37. The first act portrays earth’s elements, or raw materials, being transformed into groups of molecules.

38. Not to be overlooked, however, is the advertising industry, which portrays female smokers as being slim.

39. Cosby portrays a blue-collar worker who was forced to retire early from an airline.

40. A medallion in Hughes Hall portrays her with short hair, an aquiline nose, and a determined chin.

41. The painting portrays a beautiful lady , gentle and demure, brimming with joy and confidence in life.

42. In today's drawing American cartoonist Stuart Carlson portrays a typical Yuletide scene with a comic twist.

43. Reject any kind of entertainment that graphically portrays degraded, immoral activities that are expressly condemned in God’s Word.

44. Her first production, Diletante, portrays her mother Bela's extraordinary lucidity and anarchic spirit in her old age.

45. The Hangover Part II is a comedy, but the dangers it portrays about Bangkok should not be taken lightly

46. In it the artist portrays a disheveled thirty-one-year-old Morisot averting her gaze from the viewer. Sentencedict.com

47. She's angry at the way it portrays handicapped people, and has helped organise a blockade of a television studio.

48. He portrays you in alluringly lovely and sensuous images - or realizes your erotic fantasies in provocatively candid pictures.

49. Roberts, who portrays Gilbert, told Reuters in a separate interview that she could relate to Gilbert's soul-searching.

50. 9 A medallion in Hughes Hall portrays her with short hair, an aquiline nose, and a determined chin.