political correctness in English

the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.
This isn't a matter of so-called political correctness , but of social decency.

Use "political correctness" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "political correctness" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "political correctness", or refer to the context using the word "political correctness" in the English Dictionary.

1. Political Correctness Run a Duck

2. Yeeess! - This is political correctness amok.

3. I am done with political correctness.

4. 1 synonym for political Correctitude: political correctness

5. In Cocksure Richler satirizes political correctness and reverse discrimination

6. Learn more about political Correctness in this article.

7. Culture political Correctness political Correctness Political Correctness or being ' politically correct ', often called simply PC, is concerned with avoiding certain attitudes, actions and, above all, forms of expression which suggest prejudice and are likely to cause offence

8. On political Correctness Official Soviet sources show that the term politicheskaya korrektnost (political Correctness ) was used as early as 1921 to positively describe "correct

9. Political Correctness is a poison to our security and defenses

10. Political Correctness is also rejected by much of the public

11. Key Takeaways: Political Correctness Political Correctness (PC) refers to language that avoids offending persons of various genders, races, sexual orientations, cultures, or social conditions. One of the most commonly stated goals of political Correctness is the elimination of verbal discrimination and negative stereotyping.

12. Anichkin believes that political correctness is part of the British problem.

13. The new word refers to the absolute political correctness that cannot be questioned.

14. First of all, let me say a thing or two about political correctness.

15. In some sectors, where political correctness is a powerful force, I've been criticized for that.

16. I was listening to them lecturing us earlier and giving us advice on political correctness

17. Get the latest political Correctness news, articles, videos and photos on the New York Post

18. There is a term called political correctness, and I consider it to be a euphemism for political Cowardice.

19. The film may lack subtlety and political correctness, but it can be thrilling if you let it. Sentencedict.com

20. POLITICAL Correctness STARTED OUT as a minor project of the international firm known as the Good Intentions Paving Company

21. Ostensibly a romp through all things Italian, Guido’s Credos offers a seriocomic subtext about stereotypes and the societal emphasis on political correctness

22. First half was nonsense, political correctness gone mad, and more like an advert for London Transport and what was the lollipop lady doing?

23. Political Correctness is the notion that we should use politically correct language, or language that isn't consciously offending to any particular section of society

24. Political Correctness regarding gender and athletics could spell the end for women’s sports as they currently exist, according to New York Post sports columnist Phil Mushnick.

25. The subject generates great cynicism, with critics suggesting investors are in thrall to political correctness and guilty of creating a "box-ticking" culture that stifles entrepreneurship.

26. Political Correctness 'Unbridled and Performative Student Activism Is a Disease of Affluence': Camille Paglia Edition Some students at the University of the Arts want the firebrand feminist fired.

27. A 2018 study conducted by More in Common, an international initiative to build stronger societies and communities, found that 80 percent of Americans believe political Correctness is a problem

28. Political Correctness has an important purpose: it promotes equality by demonstrating an understanding that all people and groups are valuable to society regardless of race, culture, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

29. The status of Arab regimes is not at the centre of the stormy debate, but the freedom of Robert Kilroy-Silk to express his opinions, free from "censorship" or "political correctness".

30. Political Correctness, term used to refer to language that seems intended to give the least amount of offense, especially when describing groups identified by external markers such as race, gender, culture, or sexual orientation

31. Lying there banished , glowing with shamelessness , is the bloated child of gesture politics , or the test - tube pro - duct of political correctness , with a reduced blackmarket value of merely Rs 1 lakh .

32. Recent Letters to the Editor about our current cancel culture struck a nerve with me, a center-left person who can admit when the left goes overboard in the name of political Correctness.

33. Realizing that at the time he's Apotheosizing, a majority of America's leading intellectuals probably were Communists in spirit if not actual membership, he doesn't bother to claim that 1939 was free of political correctness either

34. E Political Correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated PC) is a term used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society.

35. The notion of Correctness in language a certain degree of [readiness] and Correctness in the language - English Only forum Better Taste & Correctness Of Formulation - English Only forum Bring him/them to justice - political Correctness?

36. We’ve gone too far with political Correctness, don’t you think? This topic is too important and sensitive to do it justice in a pithy way in the space that we have, but here’s what I can say

37. THE MENACE OF POLITICAL Correctness They have Max, who runs Huscrofts Decorative Salvage, said: "They have been here replacing the pipes with plastic ones and have been Correctness madwould it little digging up areas

38. To be against ¶Brahminism¶ is part and parcel of the political correctness of progressive scholars in twenty-first-century India, much like being against Muslims is part of the message of their Hindutva colleagues.

39. Though some might accuse Abraham of political correctness (Spencer-Davis, incidentally, is a deaf actor), his production is infused with such infectious high spirits that any whiff of polemical Attitudinizing is quickly whisked away. Beyond Shakespeare's wildest 'Dreams'

40. One in two Austrians prefers to keep their opinions to themselves, partly due to fear of being labeled an “alt right,” a new survey shows, as people in the Alpine land appear to grow wary of “exaggerated” political correctness

41. Measures intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to particular groups Political correctness (Adjectivally: politically correct ; commonly abbreviated PC) is a term used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society

42. Employing an Aphoristic, almost Nietzschean, style of prose, Charlton issues a jeremiad against "political correctness," which he identifies as a product of the left (whether socialists, communists, liberals, etc.) but as also currently infecting the center and the right, perpetuated by the mass media and an intellectual elite and representing a "triumph of the left" that threatens to unravel modernity itself.

43. The term "Anglo" specically refers to a descendand of the British Isles.I am in my 20's & I am from Allentown,Pa (population 104,586)Lot's of Spanish speking people live in Allentown.I've never heard anybody there call white people Anglos.When I lived In Texas Spanish speaking people call white folks Anglos.I'm not into Political correctness at all,but that is rude just like calling all Asian

44. Trump stood up to the radical political Correctness tyrants! We need him back in office in 2024! Show you agree by ordering on of these FREE Trump 2024 hats here: I Love My Freedom With the fact that Joe Biden is a rapist becoming readily apparent, the Democrats have been forced into a corner.They can either disown him, thus casting off the baggage of his gaffes, corruption, and sexual