polity in English

a form or process of civil government or constitution.
They faced an enormous task of transforming their economies and polities from centralized communist control to the market economies and pluralist democracies that membership required.

Use "polity" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polity" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polity", or refer to the context using the word "polity" in the English Dictionary.

1. The democratic polity practices democratic politics, while the centralized polity can also practice democratic politics.

2. Politics and polity are different concepts.

3. She is a famous man is polity.

4. Polity shevel Battista unindifference subeffectively Archicyte Redemptine.

5. We was innocent of stratagems and polity.

6. This polity lifted Chinese exports of silk.

7. A polity is any kind of political entity.

8. The relationship between the Corporatist polity and Corporatist policies

9. Jurisdiction independence is one important part of republic polity.

10. During 19 the Cabinet developed a two - pronged polity.

11. Its emerging democratic polity and guided market economy are also similar.

12. The greatest level of polity - political organisation - is democratic self-government.

13. This lower - grade revisionism feeds grander ambitions actually to eliminate a polity .

14. Only Congress holds the singular power to make policy decisions for the national polity.

15. The electoral system appeared to form an intrinsic part of a stable polity.

16. No matter long you may have been paying life insurance polity, its value is set.

17. When economic and social progress is hindered by ineffectual and corrupt government, the global polity suffers.

18. Non-Contemporaneity and Contemporaneity, Philosophically," in Heritage of Our Times (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991), 104,108

19. “Christendom” has referred to the medieval and renaissance notion of the Christian world as a sociopolitical polity

20. It is feelings, the heart not the mind, which are at the core of the Green polity.

21. The civic culture and the open polity, then, represent the great and problematic gifts of the West.

22. The theme of Body politics directs our attention to how bodies are included or excluded in the polity.

23. They exhibit great diversity in customs, but most Baptists have congregational polity combined with voluntary interconnection of congregations

24. Muhammad preached his vision of a single ummah—gaining adherents, conquering others, and eventually uniting central Arabia into a single polity.

25. What does Caliph mean? A leader of an Islamic polity, regarded as a successor of Muhammad and by tradition always male

26. They may simply not yet have accepted that Gloucester now had his own ambitions beyond the preservation of his brother's polity.

27. The dynamic forces within society and in the economy eventually came into conflict with a national polity which sought to avoid change.

28. They recognize that no laws can prevail against the dissolution of the social connections and personal motivations that sustain a civilized polity.

29. He proposes two models to analyze political violence: The polity model takes into account government and groups jockeying for control over power.

30. Kirkpatrick Sale states the rationale for Bioregional organization in terms of scale, economy, polity, and society in his book Dwellers in the Land …

31. The bench shares the petitioners’ concern about the growing Criminalisation of polity, which is a threat to the basic structure of the constitution

32. However, the achievements of the previous Persian civilizations were not lost, but were to a great extent absorbed by the new Islamic polity.

33. Pearl diving in Bahrain was first mentioned in Assyrian texts dating to 2000 BC, referring to "fish eyes" from Dilmun (ancient polity encompassing Bahrain).

34. A Constitution is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other type of entity …

35. What Is Congregational Church Governance? Polity is how an organization, such as a church, functions—the policies that guide matters such as governance, decision making, structure and leadership

36. A member of an evangelical Protestant church of congregational polity, following the Reformed tradition in worship and believing in freedom of Baptist - definition of Baptist by The Free Dictionary.

37. The concept of Constitutionalism is that of a polity governed by or under a constitution that ordains essentially limited government and rule of law as opposed to arbitrary authoritarian or totalitarian rule

38. This is the America that the Social Justice Warriors and their allies in the Establishment (especially media and academia) have created: a Balkanized polity where nobody trusts anybody who is not

39. The term altruism was coined, in French (Altruisme), by Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857) in the first volume of his Syst è me de politique positive (1851 – 1854; System of positive polity)

40. Alexandretta is a hive world and gubernatorial seat of the Ptolemaic Dominate, an ancient multi-system polity pre-dating the imperium by eight millenia and a major player in the power politics of the Aliris Sector

41. He thought that the kismet fall to be the origin of value, which is humanity. The humanity is naturally good, which can educe that the people are trusty and can be treated as the subject in polity.

42. 6 He thought that the kismet fall to be the origin of value, which is humanity. The humanity is naturally good, which can educe that the people are trusty and can be treated as the subject in polity.

43. Instead, that party should be no more than one voice (albeit an influential one) among many in a multi-Aspected and multi-lingual discussion concerning what kind of polity do we want to be citizens of.Archive 2008-05-01

44. 1594, Richard Hooker, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity: …Alteration, though it be from worse to better, hath in it inconveniences…· The state of being altered; a change made in the form or nature of a thing; changed condition

45. ‘A Contentious and nuanced debate within our polity that is therefore sure to continue is the one about the value and meaning of neo-conservatism.’ ‘It will spark months of Contentious debate in Congress, where lawmakers will fight to protect their favored programs.’

46. ‘As we have seen, it is only through the state that society Confers rights on individuals; and each state is necessarily a single, particular polity.’ ‘Statehood, even if qualified as provisional or interim, Confers a degree of sovereignty.’ ‘The use of the loan system Confers multiple benefits on the parties concerned.’

47. ‘As we have seen, it is only through the state that society Confers rights on individuals; and each state is necessarily a single, particular polity.’ ‘Statehood, even if qualified as provisional or interim, Confers a degree of sovereignty.’ ‘The use of the loan system Confers multiple benefits on the parties concerned.’

48. Term Description Examples AutoCracy: AutoCracy is a system of government in which supreme power (social and political) is concentrated in the hands of one person or polity, whose decisions are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regularized mechanisms of popular control (except perhaps for the implicit threat of a coup d'état or mass insurrection).