politically correct in English

exhibiting (or failing to exhibit) political correctness.
it is not politically correct to laugh at speech impediments

Use "politically correct" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "politically correct" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "politically correct", or refer to the context using the word "politically correct" in the English Dictionary.

1. I presumed it was politically correct.

2. Sometimes they take the politically correct approach.

3. Politically Correct terms are a hot topic

4. I think the politically correct term is " ocularly impaired. "

5. He says he doesn't hold with all this politically correct stuff.

6. Because euthanasia is politically correct, prosecutors are often unwilling to press charges.

7. Negative attitudes about affirmative action, for example, are not considered politically correct.

8. What does follicly-Challenged mean? (humorously politically correct, euphemistic, of a person) Bald

9. It was a long way from the politically correct sentiments of Wall Street.

10. He was an interesting speaker, if not always politically correct in his views.

11. In these litigious, politically correct times, the perils of making gags can be considerable.

12. The academically and politically correct response is to welcome this trend with open arms.

13. Revulsion at what has been happening there is not a prerogative of the politically correct.

14. Some people think that 'fireman' is a sexist term, and prefer the politically correct term 'firefighter'.

15. Certain men have been trying to get in on the politically correct act for a while.

16. The Architect quickly devolves from hip, idealistic ensemble piece to mostly soapy goulash for the politically correct

17. The government of the day abrogated its responsibilities on politically correct or sensitive issues to the unelected courts

18. People like me, who obliterate your silly, politically-correct Bellyachings, and make valid points that you have no answers for

19. Lewis was perfectly correct, even politically correct, to insist that Bowe had reneged on a pledge to fight him first.

20. So it's only politically correct and fair to write about an actor who's appearing on that other famous game show.

21. 2 Franciscans oversaw construction of San Xavier del Bac during a time when mandatory religious conversion was considered politically correct.

22. These days everybody has to be politically correct. I even heard someone the other day calling a short person 'vertically challenged'!

23. Political Correctness is the notion that we should use politically correct language, or language that isn't consciously offending to any particular section of society

24. “National ownership” is not something that is merely desirable or politically correct; it is an imperative, an absolute essential, if peacebuilding is to take root.

25. Burma is considered to describe ethnic Burmans only, so Myanmar became the politically correct term, which is supposed to encompass all who live in the country

26. (Pseudo-politically correct slang used for humorous effect.) Deborah's new boyfriend is a bit aesthetically Challenged, but she loves him and I guess that's all that counts

27. (Pseudo-politically correct slang used for humorous effect.) Deborah's new boyfriend is a bit Aesthetically challenged, but she loves him and I guess that's all that counts.

28. Contrary to the politically correct understanding of the term, Creepiness is actually a judgement about ornament and other genetic dispositions, used by women as convenient, socially sanctioned means of rejection.

29. Welcome to 8Bites, One of the nuttiest gaming channels out there! We are free spirits so not that many politically correct comments come out! With this in mindLET'S DO THIS SHIIIEEETTT!!! Our

30. E Political Correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated PC) is a term used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society.

31. Culture political Correctness political Correctness Political Correctness or being ' politically correct ', often called simply PC, is concerned with avoiding certain attitudes, actions and, above all, forms of expression which suggest prejudice and are likely to cause offence

32. Measures intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to particular groups Political correctness (Adjectivally: politically correct ; commonly abbreviated PC) is a term used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society

33. In the first few days I Cringed from the kind of jokes that go on in the workplace … until I realized that it was me who was over-sensitized to the overly-politically-correct situation in the US, and that that is the exception rather than the rule.