pileus in English

the cap of a mushroom or toadstool.
CO2, levels above 1,000 ppm repress expansion of the pileus and stimulate stipe growth in a wide variety of commercially-grown species, leading to spindly mushrooms in high CO2 conditions.

Use "pileus" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pileus" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pileus", or refer to the context using the word "pileus" in the English Dictionary.

1. 3 The stalk of mushroom or toadstool , which bears the cap or pileus.

2. The reverse shows a pileus between two daggers, with the legend EID MAR, commemorating the Assassination.

3. The homobasidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea is a member of the fungi known as inky cap mushrooms, and its fruiting-body pileus Autolyzes soon after completion of the development.

4. The homobasidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea is a member of the fungi known as inky cap mushrooms, and its fruiting-body pileus Autolyzes soon after completion of the development

5. The mushroom basidiocarp is typically composed of a stipe that elevates the basidiocarp above the substrate, a pileus and in some species a partial veil that encloses and protects the lamella as the Basidia and basidiospores are developing (Fig 1-2).

6. Abrupta are narrowly adnate to free, with a decurrent tooth on the stipe apex or with a decurrent line on the upper stipe, close to subdistant, white to cream to white with pale ochraceous or orangish tint in mass, white in side view, unchanging when cut or bruised, 5 - 8.5 mm broad, broadest toward pileus margin, with edges finely fibriate and yellowing slightly with age; the