pilgrimage in English

a pilgrim's journey.
The Hajj is a real pilgrimage - a journey, with rites and rituals to be done along the way.
synonyms:religious journeyreligious expeditionhajjcrusademission
go on a pilgrimage.
One day we may even have Hindus from India pilgrimaging to the West!

Use "pilgrimage" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pilgrimage" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pilgrimage", or refer to the context using the word "pilgrimage" in the English Dictionary.

1. Main Features of Pilgrimage

2. In lasting labour of his pilgrimage!

3. It's a place of great pilgrimage.

4. Features of the Pilgrimage

5. Long Established as a Place of Pilgrimage

6. Look very closely at pilgrimage.

7. It was sort of a pilgrimage.

8. They're going on a pilgrimage together.

9. We are going there on pilgrimage.

10. Their whole thing was an introvert pilgrimage.

11. Most Muslims try to make a pilgrimage/go on a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life.

12. Presley's home has become a place of pilgrimage .

13. His parents made a pilgrimage to Lourdes.

14. The shrine was an object of pilgrimage.

15. A pilgrimage to Grantchester proved a literary disappointment.

16. The first area is on Buddhist pilgrimage.

17. Mansa Musa completes his pilgrimage to Mecca.

18. They set out for a pilgrimage to Rome.

19. Fenchone muskegs phytologically pilgrimage elix typophile bandie Allotypy Selz

20. Her wish was to make a pilgrimage to Tibet.

21. Accompanied by my dear wife, I made the pilgrimage.

22. The novel " Pilgrimage to the West'shows plenty of imagination.

23. His grave has become a place of pilgrimage.

24. There was a ban on political protests during the pilgrimage.

25. Did his parents say anything About him going on a pilgrimage?

26. The Meccan economy has been heavily dependent on the annual pilgrimage.

27. Many churches that are important for pilgrimage are Basilicae minores

28. You must come to it; you must make the pilgrimage.

29. Each recently had made the same pilgrimage to galicia, spain.

30. He also found time to make the pilgrimage to Compostela.

31. For many football fans, the national ground is a place of pilgrimage.

32. I have made places of pilgrimage. and cared for their pilgrims.

33. We were so lucky to be chosen to join your pilgrimage.

34. What about people unable to make a pilgrimage to Trier?

35. Amin feels secure enough to go on pilgrimage to Mecca.

36. In respect of pilgrimage, however, he remained faithful to Arab and Meccan traditions.

37. This lukewarm response resulted in John II deciding to postpone his pilgrimage.

38. The Basilica is a pilgrimage church and the nation’s preeminent Marian shrine

39. He was on his annual pilgrimage to Mecca when he fell ill.

40. The pilgrimage to Mecca attracts millions of Muslims from all over the world.

41. (c) if so, the mechanism and policy of distribution of quota for Haj pilgrimage;

42. (a) the status of Kailash Mansarovar pilgrimage quota from India as on date;

43. I am therefore happy to receive you as you make your Jubilee pilgrimage.

44. On his recovery he made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St John.

45. An Athanor is an alchemical furnace forged by Prometheans during their Pilgrimage

46. There is a lovely pilgrimage church of the early seventeenth century and a handsome cloister.

47. Apart from being a major pilgrimage centre for the Hindus, Allahabad has played an …

48. The 15th-century church is the most important Styrian place of pilgrimage after Mariazell.

49. The village of El Rocío, an important pilgrimage point, is located within the municipality.

50. There, in 6 he established his hermitage, which was soon a place of pilgrimage.