pillaged in English

rob (a place) using violence, especially in wartime.
During the first two nights of pillaging the Capital City, over half a million people were killed.

Use "pillaged" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pillaged" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pillaged", or refer to the context using the word "pillaged" in the English Dictionary.

1. Land should not be pillaged.

2. Those pillaging you will be pillaged,

3. 22 But this is a people plundered and pillaged;+

4. And pillaged with no one to say: “Bring them back!”

5. They came to our country a century ago, burned, raped, murdered and pillaged.

6. Cultural relics from many countries were pillaged and ended up abroad.

7. In May 1101 Crusaders from Genoa captured Caesarea and pillaged the small Islamic town

8. Brachium spent his days as an assassin targeting only those sinful who pillaged others

9. In the campaign of 1293 they pillaged 14 Russian towns, finally forcing Dmitry to abdicate.

10. After the Battle of the Thames, Harrison’s men pillaged and burned the Moravian village of Fairfield.

11. Their houses will be pillaged, and their own wives will be raped.” —Isaiah 13:15, 16.

12. 53 After the Israelites returned from hotly pursuing the Phi·lisʹtines, they pillaged their camps.

13. Troops pillaged and plundered their way across German estates, treating opponents and civilians like animals.

14. 10 The Spaniards ran amuck in Chinese quarter and pillaged their jurks in the harbour.

15. 16 years of age have received the prisoner Irish pillaged and taken away into slavery sheep shepherd.

16. The Philistines had pillaged their land and prevented them from defending themselves. —1 Samuel 13:5, 6, 17-19.

17. While "écorcheurs" still pillaged the countryside, most of the people of Beaune were poor

18. In 930, the Qarmatians pillaged Mecca, outraging the Muslim world, particularly with their theft of the Black Stone.

19. 22 The streets were periodically thronged with soldiers on their way to the front, some of whom pillaged as they passed through.

20. The Italian reinforcements were ill-disciplined and without regular pay; they pillaged indiscriminately from both Muslims and Christians before setting out from Acre.

21. When they reached the territory of the Byzantine Empire, they pillaged it recklessly, and Byzantine emperor Alexios I escorted them to a camp outside Constantinople.

22. This "enemy" was rumoured to have pillaged and burned the locality of Per-Nebyt and the chief of the Medjay of Thebes—essentially the police—ordered the workmen to remain idle and watch the king's tomb.

23. In II Mach., ix, 16, Antiochus promises to adorn with precious gifts (Anathemata) the temple he has pillaged; and in Luke, xxi, 5, mention is made of the temple built of precious stones and adorned with rich gifts (Anathemata)

24. In II Mach., ix, 16, Antiochus promises to adorn with precious gifts (Anathemata) the temple he has pillaged; and in Luke, xxi, 5, mention is made of the temple built of precious stones and adorned with rich gifts (Anathemata).

25. In II Mach., ix, 16, Antiochus promises to adorn with precious gifts (Anathemata) the temple he has pillaged; and in Luke 21:5, mention is made of the temple built of precious stones and adorned with rich gifts (Anathemata)