overthrown in English

remove forcibly from power.
military coups which had attempted to overthrow the king
throw (a ball) further or harder than intended.
he grips the ball too tight and overthrows it

Use "overthrown" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overthrown" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overthrown", or refer to the context using the word "overthrown" in the English Dictionary.

1. 2 The tyrant was overthrown.

2. 3 The tyrant was overthrown.

3. It is like a wasteland overthrown by foreigners.

4. 7 Many trees were overthrown by the storm.

5. The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.

6. Fascism had lawlessly overthrown the democratic government.

7. 13 The Romanian tyrant Ceaucescu was overthrown in 19

8. Take charge of this overthrown pile of ruins.”

9. The Czar of Russia was overthrown in 19

10. He has overthrown the basic standards of morality.

11. 1 The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.

12. 17 The Romanian tyrant Ceaucescu was overthrown in 19

13. 6 He has overthrown the basic standards of morality.

14. Marcos was overthrown in 1986 after a popular uprising.

15. 22 The regime was overthrown by a popular revolt.

16. 15 President Kassem was overthrown and murdered in 19

17. 14 The legitimate government was overthrown in a coup.

18. 8 The regime was overthrown by a popular revolt.

19. 5 The president was overthrown in a military coup.

20. In 1958, the monarchy was overthrown and the Iraqi Republic created.

21. That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago.

22. Every once in a while, the established order is overthrown.

23. Abbasid Dynasty was overthrown by the Mongols in 1258 AD

24. 12 Marcos was overthrown in 1986 after a popular uprising.

25. Tombalbaye was overthrown and killed in 1975, but the insurgency continued.

26. They saw their democratically elected president overthrown by a military coup.

27. 11 He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.

28. 18 Every once in a while, the established order is overthrown.

29. 9 The slavery was overthrown after the Civil War in U.S.A.

30. 25 Every once in a while, the established order is overthrown.

31. 18 Ben Bella was overthrown in a military coup in 19

32. 28 Every once in a great while, the established order is overthrown.

33. 22 The regime was overthrown by a popular uprising on Dec. 19

34. Under the recently overthrown Ceausescu regime, Romania did not officially have an AIDS threat.

35. 16 Nuri Said and Faisal were overthrown, killed,(www.Sentencedict.com) and dragged through the streets.

36. 10 The late President Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 19

37. God’s Kingdom is not like man’s governments—here today and overthrown tomorrow.

38. Marcos was overthrown as a result of the 1986 People Power Revolution.

39. Finally in the summer of 1794 Robespierre himself was overthrown and guillotined.

40. 4 That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago.

41. 23 They saw their democratically elected president overthrown by a military coup.

42. There's never been an armed occupation in history that wasn't overthrown by force.

43. Some 200 years in advance, God’s prophet predicted how Babylon would be overthrown

44. For example, it provided details as to just how Babylon would be overthrown.

45. June 18: The elected leftist Guatemalan government is overthrown in a CIA-backed coup.

46. A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.

47. Most military dictatorships are formed after a coup d'état has overthrown the previous government.

48. 19 The Umayyads were finally overthrown and the first Abbasid, Abul-Abbas, took the throne.

49. Although Covenanted government was overthrown by the New Model Army in 1651, its ideals persisted

50. King Norodom Sihaknouk was overthrown by General Lon Nol who was supported by American government.