overturn in English

an act of turning over or upsetting something; a revolution, subversion, or reversal.
For the most part the only people who actually bothered to look at the registration rolls and allow the overturn of bogus objections were a few retirees who volunteer as polling officials during elections.
tip (something) over so that it is on its side or upside down.
the crowd proceeded to overturn cars and set them on fire
abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.).
the results overturned previous findings

Use "overturn" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overturn" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overturn", or refer to the context using the word "overturn" in the English Dictionary.

1. What does Capsize mean? To overturn or cause to overturn

2. But a senior minister can overturn that order.

3. An angry walrus could easily overturn the boats.

4. He accused his opponents of wanting to overturn the government.

5. Government lawyers had hoped to overturn a December 1999 decision by U.S.

6. For the reasons cited above, I am obliged to overturn the Board's decision.

7. President Clinton has said he will veto any attempt to overturn the ban.

8. OMT supporters were aghast at Weidmann’s attempt to overturn the arrangement.

9. What “strongly entrenched things” can the truth of God’s Word overturn?

10. Origin of Bouleversement French from Old French bouleverser to overturn boule ball ( from Latin bulla ) verser to overturn ( from Old French) ( from Latin versāre ) ( frequentative of vertere to turn wer- 2 in …

11. United are hoping to overturn a two-goal deficit from the first leg.

12. It will submerge nearby towns and overturn the mountains in its course.

13. He is asking the Sedgwick County trial court to overturn the law.

14. Overturn an Atextual causation standard that relegates Title IX claims to second-class status

15. The court remands this case... and overturn Lee's death sentence... and demands are- investigation.

16. Taking their cue from Trump, Absolutists are going all out to overturn Roe v

17. Everton appealed, saying the rule was an unfair anachronism, and UEFA agreed to overturn it.

18. Synonyms for Countermand include undo, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, override, overturn, quash, repeal and rescind

19. Last month three Court of Appeal court judges refused to overturn the libel jury's verdict.

20. Early modern artists, generally speaking, did little to overturn this convention in painting or sculpture.

21. 10 He filed a complaint with the House of Representatives seeking to overturn the election result.

22. A majority of those voting can overturn the actions of their own elected representatives.

23. Really, those two lines of evidence hardly provide enough proof to overturn the Bible’s chronology.

24. It would be nearly impossible for them to overturn such a majority in one election.

25. Gold aims to overturn a 637 majority in one of Britain's most middle-class seats.

26. He filed a complaint with the House of Representatives seeking to overturn the election result.

27. You will also need a strong crowbar to help you lift and overturn large boulders.

28. Tricky currents, protruding rocks, and Backwashes caused by water rushing over submerged rocks, can overturn the inattentive boater

29. Post of Boalt Hall said he believed a consensus existed that the court would not overturn Prop. 20

30. They are part of a campaign to overturn the county's decision to spray on private property if needed.

31. Some backers of the initiative feared that a lifetime ban would make the measure easier to overturn later.

32. He is likely to overturn the Bush ban on abortion counselling and the military's outlawing of gays.

33. The hectic schedule ended in Cheltenham, where the Liberal democrats hope to overturn a Conservative majority of just under 000.

34. The Labour councillors voted to overturn the officers' recommendation and give permission for the works to be demolished.

35. New scientific findings could overturn traditional assumptions about fuel load management designed to reduce the risk of Bushfires.

36. Their victims stand as a constant reminder, both of their crimes, and of the reality they have tried to overturn.

37. The champion jockey failed in his attempt to overturn a five-day suspension awarded for his riding of Silver Wizard.

38. A subsequent vote in the Senate failed to achieve the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn a presidential veto.

39. A Coup is a rapid seizure of power that builds momentum and requires an immediate and broad response to overturn it

40. That included advising culture warrior Ken Cuccinelli during his Attorney generalship and helping convince the Supreme Court to overturn Gov

41. Plaintiffs have officially Appealed their lawsuit to overturn Seattle's grocery store hazard pay ordinance, after it was dismissed on Thursday.

42. It would overturn the absolute prohibition of the provisions of the Criminal Code that have stood the test of time.Bill

43. A group of House Republicans have introduced a resolution to Censure President Donald Trump for attempting to overturn the presidential election results …

44. Capsize definition, to turn bottom up; overturn: The ferry Capsized and sank in minutes.With a strong kick he Capsized the stool

45. The woman later petitioned the highest court in the land to hear the case and possibly overturn the decision against her.

46. Even in presidential systems, the legislature has the power to overturn the executive by means of the extraordinary process of impeachment.

47. Instead, he loathes the political system and wants to overturn and replace it with a nothingness in which feral politicians run amuck.

48. Government rules prevent the use of that money to build council houses but Coun Munsey wants Mr Major to overturn those policies.

49. In particular, Germany's attempts to overturn the Treaty of Versailles and the reconstruction of the German military made France increasingly unwilling to disarm.

50. Months after former President Donald Trump and his allies in Congress attempted to overturn Arizona's election results, Republicans in the state's legislature are trying to …