onus probandi in English

the obligation to prove an assertion or allegation one makes; the burden of proof.
[The first [is], that the onus probandi lies in every case upon the party propounding a Will; and he must satisfy the conscience of the Court that the instrument so propounded is the last Will of a free and capable Testator.

Use "onus probandi" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "onus probandi" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "onus probandi", or refer to the context using the word "onus probandi" in the English Dictionary.

1. The law presumes every child legitimate, when born of a woman in a state of wedlock, and casts the onus probandi on the party who affirms the Bastardy.

2. The accusatorial then functions, with regard to evidence, on the basis of the rule of "incumbit actoris onus probandi", which means that the plaintiff bears the burden of proof

3. In any case we may here apply the adage Affirmantis onus probandi; upon those who wish to make the gammadion a legacy of the "primitive" Aryans, it is incumbent to prove that these Aryans practised symbolism; that amongst their symbols the gammadion had a place, and that this gammadion typified the old Diu pater, the Heavenly Father of