left brained in English


having a tendency to use skills associated with the left hemisphere of the brain (verbal, mathematical, and logical skills)

Use "left brained" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "left brained" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "left brained", or refer to the context using the word "left brained" in the English Dictionary.

1. A Left-Brained Approach to Portfolio Company Talent Decisions A Left-Brained Approach to Portfolio Company Talent Decisions

2. Meanwhile, left-Brained people tend to be more quantitative and analytical

3. For example, when organizing files, a left-Brained person focuses on individual files

4. Again, this makes left-Brained people very concerned with forethought and planning

5. Left-Brained people prefer consistency over spontaneity and are likely to thrive in structured environments

6. Left-Brained people are right at home (no pun intended) with deadlines, schedules, regulations, etc

7. Some people believe that a person is either left-Brained or right-Brained and that this determines the way they think and behave

8. From these studies, the notion of 'right-Brained' and 'left-Brained' individuals was born with more chracteristics being added to each side of the brain over decades.

9. Are people either left-Brained or right-Brained? Like many popular psychology myths , this one grew out of observations of the human brain that were then dramatically distorted and exaggerated

10. Others ally themselves Adroitly with their rational side, pragmatic and left-brained.: D'autres encore allient adroitement leur côté rationnel, pragmatique et leur côté droit.: At a critical moment in the debate, Macdonald Adroitly declared both sides right, but within definite limits.: À un moment critique du débat, John Macdonald déclare adroitement que les uns et les autres ont