Use "left brained" in a sentence

1. A Left-Brained Approach to Portfolio Company Talent Decisions A Left-Brained Approach to Portfolio Company Talent Decisions

2. Meanwhile, left-Brained people tend to be more quantitative and analytical

3. For example, when organizing files, a left-Brained person focuses on individual files

4. Again, this makes left-Brained people very concerned with forethought and planning

5. Left-Brained people prefer consistency over spontaneity and are likely to thrive in structured environments

6. Left-Brained people are right at home (no pun intended) with deadlines, schedules, regulations, etc

7. Some people believe that a person is either left-Brained or right-Brained and that this determines the way they think and behave

8. From these studies, the notion of 'right-Brained' and 'left-Brained' individuals was born with more chracteristics being added to each side of the brain over decades.

9. Are people either left-Brained or right-Brained? Like many popular psychology myths , this one grew out of observations of the human brain that were then dramatically distorted and exaggerated

10. Others ally themselves Adroitly with their rational side, pragmatic and left-brained.: D'autres encore allient adroitement leur côté rationnel, pragmatique et leur côté droit.: At a critical moment in the debate, Macdonald Adroitly declared both sides right, but within definite limits.: À un moment critique du débat, John Macdonald déclare adroitement que les uns et les autres ont