serow in English

a goat-antelope with short sharp horns, long coarse hair, and a beard, native to forested mountain slopes of Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and Japan.
He spotted a fearsomely sharp horn from a serow and offered the family $150 for it, but they weren't selling.

Use "serow" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "serow" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "serow", or refer to the context using the word "serow" in the English Dictionary.

1. The serow has a reputation in Japan for its speed and agility.

2. As a national protected animals are tigers, pangolin, serow, a small civet.

3. Aggression is rare, but the serow may react with hostility to territorial breaches.

4. Coenraad Jacob Temminck first described the Japanese serow in 1836, and named it Antilope crispa.

5. Throughout Japan's mountainous regions the serow has been a valued catch, its various body parts used without waste.

6. In Kyushu in particular, increased grazing and browsing competition from sika deer may be slowing growth of serow populations.

7. Sense of smell is also strong, and the serow can be observed raising its head and sniffing the air around it.

8. In 1979 the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Environmental Agency, and Forestry Agency reached an agreement on serow management measures, such as the establishment of protection areas and culling as pest control.

9. Being an agile and effortless climber, the Kai Ken was used to hunt in steep mountainous terrain in Yamanashi where's its primary quarry was the Japanese serow (Kamoshika), deer, wild boar, and occasionally bear.