jezreel in English


Plain of Jezreel, Esdraelon, plain in northern Israel between the hills of Galilee and Samaria

Use "jezreel" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jezreel" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jezreel", or refer to the context using the word "jezreel" in the English Dictionary.

1. Canaanite idol found at Jezreel


3. Biblical references to the ancient city of Jezreel provide striking contrasts.

4. Without delay, he got into his chariot and sped toward Jezreel.

5. [The Valley of Jezreel] lies before you, with its . . . battle-fields . . .

6. FOR centuries the site of the ancient city of Jezreel has lain desolate.

7. The name Jezreel means, “May God sow.” But more shockingly, the Jezreel valley was well known as the location of much fighting and Bloodshed (1 Sam 29:1; 2 Sam

8. (Revelation 2:18-23) By the time Jehu reached Jezreel, she had tried to make herself attractive.

9. IN SOUTHERN Galilee, at the eastern end of the low plain of Jezreel, lay the city of Shunem.

10. David’s forces were ordered to leave on the following morning, and then the Philistines advanced to the battle site at Jezreel.

11. (1Sa 28:4) The account thereafter indicates that the Philistines advanced to Aphek while Israel descended to the spring at Jezreel.

12. All the evidence unearthed thus far confirms that the site of Jezreel was a major Israelite center in the period of the Iron Age.

13. Archaeology has confirmed the existence of a major royal and military center at Jezreel, a center that existed for a surprisingly short time during the historical period that coincides with Ahab’s rule —just as the Bible relates.

14. 27 They went back and told Jehu, who said, 'This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel's flesh.

15. The Kishon winds its way in a northwesterly direction from the hills near Taanach through the Plain of Jezreel, or Esdraelon (ʽEmeq Yizreʽel), and, after flowing through a narrow gorge between Mount Carmel and a spur of the Galilean hills, enters the Plain of Acco (Acre) before finally emptying into the Mediterranean.