inferiority feelings in English

sense that one is not as good as other people

Use "inferiority feelings" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inferiority feelings" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inferiority feelings", or refer to the context using the word "inferiority feelings" in the English Dictionary.

1. Compensate for feelings of inferiority by channeling your energy into activities you can do well.

2. They came from his emerging feelings of inferiority and superiority in an environment that had no patience for either.

3. A fundamental tenet of Adler's theory is that human actions are motivated by feelings of inferiority of some kind.

4. But when I got up to deliver my first talk, feelings of inferiority that had troubled me since childhood returned.

5. But I am more like a common weed that wouldn’t interest anyone.” —María, a young woman who struggles with feelings of inferiority.

6. It is only Antiracists that are focused not just on legal segregation and discrimination, but also on internal feelings of superiority or inferiority that move society beyond racism

7. I have an inferiority complex.

8. Fichman, Koestner, and Zuroff describe two types of depression: Anaclitic, which includes feelings of helplessness, fears of being abandoned, and wanting to be cared for and loved; and introjective, which includes intense feelings of inferiority, guilt, worthlessness, and a …

9. Some of them developed a great inferiority complex.

10. He had an inferiority complex about his looks.

11. Failure induces a total sense of inferiority.

12. Coupled with envy was a terrible sense of inferiority.

13. He's always had an inferiority complex about his height.

14. They believe that submission in no way implies inferiority.

15. The city seems to have a congenital inferiority complex.

16. Those affected display a pattern of severe social anxiety, social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation and rejection, and Avoidance of social interaction despite a strong desire

17. 18 synonyms for Cheapness: inexpensiveness, affordability, reasonableness, inferiority

18. He is always showing a sweet inferiority feeling.

19. He had an inferiority complex about his sexuality.

20. He had a deep-rooted feeling of inferiority.

21. This inferiority complex has been institutionalized in the Chinese mind.

22. Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.

23. Therefore, the inferiority complex has been, always feeling Pei Bushang You!

24. In the marriage companionship there is neither inferiority nor superiority.

25. Suffer from psychological problems: loneliness, homesickness, depression, inferiority complex.