Use "inferiority feelings" in a sentence

1. Compensate for feelings of inferiority by channeling your energy into activities you can do well.

2. They came from his emerging feelings of inferiority and superiority in an environment that had no patience for either.

3. A fundamental tenet of Adler's theory is that human actions are motivated by feelings of inferiority of some kind.

4. But when I got up to deliver my first talk, feelings of inferiority that had troubled me since childhood returned.

5. But I am more like a common weed that wouldn’t interest anyone.” —María, a young woman who struggles with feelings of inferiority.

6. It is only Antiracists that are focused not just on legal segregation and discrimination, but also on internal feelings of superiority or inferiority that move society beyond racism

7. I have an inferiority complex.

8. Fichman, Koestner, and Zuroff describe two types of depression: Anaclitic, which includes feelings of helplessness, fears of being abandoned, and wanting to be cared for and loved; and introjective, which includes intense feelings of inferiority, guilt, worthlessness, and a …

9. Some of them developed a great inferiority complex.

10. He had an inferiority complex about his looks.

11. Failure induces a total sense of inferiority.

12. Coupled with envy was a terrible sense of inferiority.

13. He's always had an inferiority complex about his height.

14. They believe that submission in no way implies inferiority.

15. The city seems to have a congenital inferiority complex.

16. Those affected display a pattern of severe social anxiety, social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation and rejection, and Avoidance of social interaction despite a strong desire

17. 18 synonyms for Cheapness: inexpensiveness, affordability, reasonableness, inferiority

18. He is always showing a sweet inferiority feeling.

19. He had an inferiority complex about his sexuality.

20. He had a deep-rooted feeling of inferiority.

21. This inferiority complex has been institutionalized in the Chinese mind.

22. Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.

23. Therefore, the inferiority complex has been, always feeling Pei Bushang You!

24. In the marriage companionship there is neither inferiority nor superiority.

25. Suffer from psychological problems: loneliness, homesickness, depression, inferiority complex.

26. ) Humiliation or Abasement proceeding from consciousness of inferiority, guilt, or shame.

27. Feelings of guilt heighten feelings of anxiety.

28. Using a false accent over the phone is a sign of inferiority.

29. Fear is the thought of admitted inferiority. Elbert Hubbard 

30. The most pitiable character trait of life is self - inferiority.

31. 21 They believe that submission in no way implies inferiority.

32. Psychiatrist: What makes you think you have an inferiority complex?

33. She has always had an inferiority complex about her looks.

34. It reveals with pitiless clarity the inferiority of what has gone before.

35. It recognizes that a voice developed amid inequality does not bespeak inferiority.

36. A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn.

37. Most of patients have inferiority complex and have of psychoses and medicines.

38. Menagerie , Laura Wingfield suffers severe inferiority complex caused by her physical disability.

39. The feeling of inferiority is defensively turned into a feeling of superiority.

40. Most people enjoy the inferiority of their best friends. Lord Chesterfield 

41. SOME comparisons are stark enough to generate a national inferiority complex.

42. Stop thinking like that or your will develop an inferiority complex.

43. They are no measure of superiority or of inferiority; they are simply differences.

44. This obviously affects them as they grow up, giving them an inferiority complex.

45. I comforted myself By saying that it was only my imagination, my inferiority complex.

46. I found it difficult to shake off a sense of social inferiority.

47. Confidence is revelated from heart to outside and inferiority complex is opposition.

48. His ill treatment as a child had given him a strong sense of inferiority.

49. In his book Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Physical Compensation (1907), he argued that a perceived inferiority or weakness led to physical or psychological attempts to Compensate for it.

50. Cheap now often suggests shoddiness, inferiority, showy imitation, unworthiness, and the like: a Cheap fabric

51. Antonyms for Choiceness include worthlessness, subservience, damage, beginning, frustration, start, incompleteness, uselessness, inferiority and commencement

52. 15 words related to Backseat: inferiority, lower rank, lower status, auto, automobile, car, motorcar

53. The crime which justifies lynching him is a form of treason, not racial inferiority.

54. Discouraging Personal Feelings

55. You see , inferiority complex is the same as arrogance: they are both expressions of unbelief.

56. Please don't play my feelings, also do not ignore my feelings.

57. Inferiority is what you enjoy in your best friends. Lord Chesterfield 

58. No hard feelings.

59. Counteract Negative Feelings

60. Calmer, promote feelings of relaxation while reducing occasional feelings of stress and anxiousness

61. Examples include the propagation of ideas on racial superiority or inferiority, hate speech and racial harassment

62. Her feelings bruise easily.

63. No hard feelings, huh?

64. Examples include the propagation of ideas on racial superiority or inferiority, hate speech and racial harassment.

65. Antonyms for Ascendancies include subordination, inferiority, weaknesses, disadvantages, powerlessness, servility, subjection, subservience, domination and

66. Conversely, shots taken from a low angle impart a feeling of inferiority or weakness.

67. No hard feelings, stranger.

68. Aromantics have feelings, and feel emotions towards other people, just not romantic type feelings

69. I have an inferiority complex, but it's not a very good one. Steven Wright 

70. One seems to need a dose of superiority to overcompensate for the erstwhile sense of inferiority.

71. ManyChinese men and women have an inferiority complex, self hate and White worship towards Caucasians.

72. He callously exploited their feelings.

73. I express feelings honestly.

74. The poem encouraged these feelings.

75. She unclothed her innermost feelings.

76. The memories are of feelings.

77. He trampled on her feelings.

78. You've trampled on her feelings.

79. Ambivalent attitude/feelings etc • At the very least, men generally assume their Ambivalent feelings are normal

80. Put under the spotlight of the Western Balkanising gaze, we were led to believe in our innate inferiority