pursuance in English

the carrying out of a plan or action.
you have a right to use public areas in the pursuance of your lawful hobby

Use "pursuance" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pursuance" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pursuance", or refer to the context using the word "pursuance" in the English Dictionary.

1. (a) & (b) In pursuance of Para 4(6) of Gazette notification No.

2. In pursuance of her father's peremptory command, Sophia now admitted Mr. Blifil's visit.

3. (a) if the laws, regulations and administrative provisions adopted in pursuance of this Directive are not complied with;

4. In pursuance of this decision, the Consulate General of India in Guangzhou has commenced functioning in March 2008.

5. 25 It was under the old law if done in pursuance of the ulterior intent, not if done simply to gain access.

6. Apprenticeship Training is a course of training in any industry or establishment, undergone in pursuance of a contract of Apprenticeship between employer and …

7. Apprenticeship Training is a course of training in any industry or establishment, undergone in pursuance of a contract of Apprenticeship between employer and Apprentices …

8. Byelaws made by the Conservators of Epping Forest, in pursuance of the Epping Forest Acts 1878 and 1880 and the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1977

9. It is in pursuance of the Indradhanush action plan of the Government and it is expected to strengthen the banking sector and improve its efficiency and profitability.

10. Byelaws made by The Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London in pursuance of theCorporation of London (Open Spaces) Act, 1878 for the regulation and use of Ashtead Common

11. * NAM continues to represent space for action in pursuance of the collective interests of the developing world, alongwith the G-77, especially on subject such as the reform of the global economic system and disarmament.

12. In pursuance of this cooperation, the Government of India has agreed to consider the request of the Mongolian side for financial assistance for the construction of a school building in Ulaanbaatar for the India-Mongolia Joint School after the Mongolian side makes a specific proposal.

13. Liability to pay land revenue.-Under s.2(g), the landowner is who is a Ruler of a Covenanting State in the State of Rajasthan holding an estate under or in accordance with the settlement made in pursuance of the Covenant and approved by the Central Government for personal or private properties.

14. » ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—WiII bo sold on the first Tuesday in Blareh next, within tho legal hours of sale, in pursuance of an order ol the Court ofOrdinary ol Richmond country, ilia follow ing lots of Land, belonging to the estate of Dabney Berry, deceased, viz : * ’ At the Cotirlhouuse in Troup county, lot No

15. ...Another important stage in this process has now been reached with the passage of legislation by the US Congress, with substantial bi-partisan support, in pursuance of the undertakings of the United States in the July Joint Statement that it would seek to adjust US laws and policies to achieve full civil nuclear cooperation with India.

16. In pursuance of Decree No # the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark issued an Executive Order on # ctober # on the exclusive economic zone of Greenland, which provides that “the exclusive economic zone of Greenland shall comprise waters outside and abutting the territorial waters up to a distance of # nautical miles from the baselines in force from time to time” and specifies delimitation of that zone in relation to foreign States

17. ALURE has three specific objectives in pursuance of this goal: - To improve the services of Latin American utilities, preferably in the growth sub-sectors of electricity and natural gas, and to promote business relations with European firms linked to the sector, such as utilities, financial operators and industrial firms, in particular small businesses; - To contribute, where necessary, to the adaptation of legal and institutional frameworks; - To promote sustainable development with relevant schemes.

18. The purpose of cooperation in this area shall be the pursuance of agrarian reform, the modernisation, privatisation and restructuring of agriculture, the agro-industrial and service sectors in the Republic of Armenia, development of domestic and foreign markets for Armenian products, in conditions that ensure the protection of the environment, taking into account the necessity to improve security of food supply as well as the development of agri-business, the processing and distribution of agricultural products.