inari in English


Japanese god of fertility and rice and foxes; lake in north Finland

Use "inari" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inari" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inari", or refer to the context using the word "inari" in the English Dictionary.

1. Women prayed to Inari to grant them children.

2. Some take Inari to be identical to any grain kami.

3. In Japanese mythology abura-age is the favorite food of Kitsune and Inari.

4. Another interesting fact about foxes and Inari shrinesfoxes are said to be very fond of abura-age (the skin of deep-fried tofu), so it is a common offering at Inari shrines.

5. Daiwa or Inari torii - A myōjin torii with rings at the top of the pillars.

6. More than one-third (32,000) of the Shinto shrines in Japan are dedicated to Inari.

7. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, followers of Inari at the Ginza mint struck coins meant for offerings to Inari, which featured pictures of two foxes and a jewel or the characters for long life and good luck.

8. It is also used to make inari zushi (sweetened and cooked abura-age filled with sushi rice).

9. Other common elements in depictions of Inari, and sometimes of their kitsune, include a sickle, a sheaf or sack of rice, and a sword.

10. Inari also began to be petitioned for good health; they are credited with curing such diverse afflictions as coughs, toothaches, broken bones, and syphilis.

11. A single Pe-3 was captured by the Finns when it had to make a forced landing in marshy ground near Lake Inari on 28 November 1942.

12. The most popular representations of Inari, according to scholar Karen Ann Smyers, are a young female food goddess, an old man carrying rice, and an androgynous bodhisattva.

13. Fried tofu is believed to be a favorite food of Japanese foxes, and an Inari-zushi roll has pointed corners that resemble fox ears, thus reinforcing the association.

14. The first book in Inari Sámi was Anar sämi kiela aapis kirje ja doctor Martti Lutherus Ucca katkismus, which was written and translated by Edvard Wilhelm Borg in 1859.

15. Offerings of rice, sake, and other food are given at the shrine to appease and please these kitsune messengers, who are then expected to plead with Inari on the worshipper's behalf.

16. There are, however, some sharp language boundaries, in particular between Northern Sami, Inari Sami and Skolt Sami, the speakers of which are not able to understand each other without learning or long practice.