generalizations in English

a general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases.
he was making sweeping generalizations

Use "generalizations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "generalizations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "generalizations", or refer to the context using the word "generalizations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Inductive reasoning moves from specific details to broader generalizations.

2. Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.

3. 25 They are also incredibly diverse; there is little justification for derogatory generalizations.

4. In the early 1970s, Barry Mazur considered generalizations of Iwasawa theory to abelian varieties.

5. Using generalizations using a property to predict behaviour proof by appeal to a generalization

6. He made jejune generalizations about how all students were lazy and never did any work.

7. The supergravity and superstring theories in which Branes play promi-nent roles are generalizations of

8. CRA's public education activities suggest that it is difficult to make generalizations about donors' attitudes.

9. This allows generalizations to be made between someone's responses to the cards and their actual behavior.

10. Psychology's theoretical inadequacies often lead it to replace theory with utilitarian generalizations from its most reliable methods.

11. They justify their hatred with broad generalizations and apply them to everyone associated with the other team.

12. Cladding phenomena, such as absorption and ray tunnelling are superposable building blocks based on Fresnel’s laws and their generalizations.

13. This book will offer many examples of generalizations and empirical findings about politics that are based on the scientific method.

14. Generalizations, of course, do not always apply, yet certain attitudes are too prevalent to be rejected as simply aberrations.

15. Those seeking more universal generalizations may use different methods from those that seek more contextually specific levels of explanation.

16. The complex history has led to the development of widely varying approaches to and generalizations of the affine connection concept.

17. Further generalizations included coupling of electrons to acoustic phonons and magnons, excitonic polarons, polarons in low-dimensional systems, and bipolarons.

18. Allegory is the expression of truths or generalizations about human existence by means of symbolic fictional figures and their actions

19. However, it isn't really fair to make sweeping generalizations about what Accountants do because there are several different types of Accountants

20. Republican mayoral nominee Curtis Sliwa made Bigoted generalizations about Jews in a 2018 videotaped rant in which he accused the ultra-orthodox …

21. In functional programming, catamorphisms provide generalizations of folds of lists to arbitrary algebraic data types, which can be described as initial algebras.

22. There have been many generalizations of Shoenfield's Theorem on the Absoluteness of $Σ^1_2$ sentences between uncountable transitive models of $\\mathrm{ZFC}$

23. Their simplified proof of Ulm's theorem served as a model for many further generalizations to other classes of abelian groups and modules.

24. Cosmology: INDIGENOUS NORTH AND MESOAMERICAN COSMOLOGIES There are relatively few generalizations that can legitimately be made about Native American Cosmology as a whole

25. In order to acknowledge complexity in your writing, refrain from making broad generalizations about a text or establishing quick, simple judgements about a character.

26. 'The Clumsiest People in Europe' Nasty generalizations from a series of 19th-century children's guides to the world form the basis of Todd Pruzan's book

27. Not rational, but not Brutely causal either: A response to Fodor on concept acquisition They can be learned inductively as statistical generalizations over experience

28. The CNI case shows the difficulty of making generalizations about statutory preclusion: ultimately, every case turns on an examination of the meaning of a particular statute.

29. Calling Chiasms "a modern scholarly construct," Stanley Porter and Jeffrey Reed said that the criteria to identify Chiasms compiled by Lund and others are impressionistic generalizations

30. And the kinds of generalizations babies have to make about ducks and balls they have to make about almost everything: shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings.

31. The problem comes when we "Awfulize"—engaging in drama-queeny generalizations, like telling ourselves that failing at something will be "awful!" or "horrible!" Illustration by Eric Palma.

32. This property of the Astroid is connected with one of its generalizations — the so-called oblique Astroid, which is the envelope of the segments of constant length with their ends located on two

33. Scientists would gather some representative people, and they would see patterns, and they would try and make generalizations about human nature and disease from the abstract patterns they find from these particular selected individuals.

34. Aphorizer; communicate; intercommunicate; References in periodicals archive? "As he travelled, Hirschman filled his notebooks with petites idees, insights he accumulated along the way: observe, infer, compare, generalize, and then check these generalizations against new observations--and where possible, aphorize

35. Carla Peterson argues that through reading Emma perceives Abstractionsand generalizations as concrete and specific images which she takes literally, trying to transport them to the real life by her imagination which is incapable of synthesizing to unite these ideal images of the world of books as a coherent whole (168).

36. As nouns the difference between prototype and Archetype is that prototype is an original object or form which is a basis for other objects, forms, or for its models and generalizations while Archetype is an original model of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are merely derivative, copied, patterned, or emulated; a prototype