dependance in English


[de·pend·ance || -dəns]

reliance (on someone or something); trust

Use "dependance" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dependance" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dependance", or refer to the context using the word "dependance" in the English Dictionary.

1. IR and conductivity dependance on temperature and composition have been measured.

2. Become as free of the dependance on your asthma medicine and its side effects.

3. Conclusions There is pathological oxygen supply dependance in the patients with several congenital cardiac disease.

4. 28 AC impedance spectroscopy technique was applied to study the conductivity and its temperature dependance.

5. Pectins we need maily depend on importation(Sentencedict), which increases production cost and resource dependance.

6. China's increasing dependance on oil, and possible energy shortages in the future, may restrict the development of the car market.

7. Dependance is the inevitable corollary and not something to be shed as possible but the expression of strong family bonds of affection.

8. Another function (which may be the identity) computes the output of the artificial neuron (sometimes in dependance of a certain threshold).

9. This item reduces your dependance on MoM and gives you a source of IAS that doesn't have such a huge drawback.

10. A dependance of the resulting angle of antetorsion to the formation of the acetabular roof and centering of the joint does in general not exist.

11. The core of this article is whether the regulation of minimum capital requirments of LLC derived from path dependance are justified, and what model of rule is an optimal arrangement.

12. One of the most remarkable peculiarities of the institutions of the Republic is also traceable to this dependance of the Quaestiones on the Comitia .

13. The study and implement of the real-time 3D graph engine will solve the actuality of the dependance of foreign engine, and promote domestic 3D engine technology, it has great study value.

14. The results show that the mechanical properties ofp-HMX can be improved by adding a little amount of F23 and the temperature dependance of the mechanical properties is inapparent at NVT ensemble.

15. Clarke rates North Korea as being the nation with the most capacity for Cyberwar as it focuses on attack strategies and its near negligibilty of dependance at home on computer networks makes it absolutely resistant to any cyber warfare attacks it may experience itself.

16. Au moment ou le pays Affronte une crise financiere aiguE1/2, c'est la mobilisation de tous les acteurs qui est requise afin de non seulement depasser ce cap difficile, mais surtout pour jeter les bases d'un developpement durable et sortir de la dependance aux fluctuations des marches mondiaux.