generated in English

cause (something, especially an emotion or situation) to arise or come about.
changes that are likely to generate controversy

Use "generated" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "generated" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "generated", or refer to the context using the word "generated" in the English Dictionary.

1. Generated Buy Binds // buy Binds generated by

2. Computer-generated hologram

3. On Sound Generated Aerodynamically

4. Autogenetic (Adjective) Self-generated.

5. Print(“Total pairs generated are:”,len(Bigram+trigram+fourgram)) Total pairs generated are: 57

6. Autogenetic definition is - self-generated

7. To review your generated markup:

8. The case generated public outrage.

9. The sale generated record profits.

10. Media reports generated moral outrage.

11. Every subgroup and factor group of a finitely generated abelian group is again finitely generated abelian.

12. Abyssally generated T phases alone, ami (4) slope-generated T^ phases preceded by low-level forerunners

13. Any direct sum of finitely many finitely generated abelian groups is again a finitely generated abelian group.

14. By default, generated campaigns inherit generated account-level sitelinks as well as any manual account-level sitelinks.

15. Argate is a randomly generated adventure

16. These engines generated 9.6 nominal horsepower.

17. Therefore, only aluminum hydroxide was generated.

18. Autogenous definition, self-produced; self-generated

19. His kind smile soon generated friendliness.

20. Chromatograms generated by various VICI products

21. Acoustically generated images having selected components

22. Altogether 488 OCT images were generated.

23. The fumes generated during Blasting operations, especially …

24. Abyssally generated t phases by rockne h

25. How is electricity generated from nuclear energy?

26. The resources are overwhelmingly generated by business.

27. Aviation has also generated profound social changes.

28. It generated much excitement and frenetic activity.

29. It is generated by some specified means.

30. The enquiry generated a mountain of paperwork.

31. Razor Components are generated as partial classes

32. Electricity will be generated at 230 volts.

33. noise is generated during pile drilling activities.

34. 14 The advertising campaign generated massive sales.

35. The chameleon responds to the image it has generated, just as the shrimp responds to the atmosphere it has generated.

36. Larger Alkynes can be generated by reacting an alkyl halide with an acetylide ion, which is generated from a shorter alkyne

37. In Birefringence, two waves of light are generated

38. The interest the movie generated reinvigorated Blowfly’s career

39. Computer generated OCR_ENVELOPE:swannack paul rootball Areste stahoes cmtos

40. 23 Instead, it generated excitement and renewed vigour.

41. Please wait while the encryption keys are generated

42. The case has generated enormous publicity in Brazil.

43. Generated letters, memoranda, reports, forms, newsletters and brochures.

44. 50% of trading fees generated on the Coss …

45. The earth generated and Anatomized by William Hobbs

46. This is not true of steam-generated electricity.

47. The 11-day trial generated intense media interest .

48. Pachomius's monastery quickly generated a number of offshoots.

49. Autogenetic: spontaneously generated, occurring without outside influence (Biology)

50. Changing conductivities have been generated by adjustable resistors.