fondest in English

having an affection or liking for.
I'm very fond of Mike
synonyms:keen onpartial toaddicted toenthusiastic aboutpassionate aboutattached toattracted toenamored ofin love withhaving a soft spot forintohooked ongone onsweet onstruck on

Use "fondest" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fondest" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fondest", or refer to the context using the word "fondest" in the English Dictionary.

1. “Without my siblings, all my fondest memories would vanish into thin air.

2. Boodin lives in Flopside and runs a Catch Card shop known as Fondest Hopes

3. Like his Flipside-counterpart Hoodin, Boodin owns a Catch Card store known as Fondest Hopes

4. 29 John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes.

5. A large man in every way, he was tall and big-bellied; bellicose when fondest, hearty when not.

6. Cross border Kitchens is the brain-child of childhood friends who have shared some of their fondest moments over good food while growing up together

7. Photo Collages are so versatile they can be used in various ways, be it to display your fondest memories with friends and family, or an arrangement of images for someone's birthday

8. Dravest (English)Origin & history drave + -est Verb dravest (archaic) Second-person singular past of drive1909, Francis Thompson, The Hound of Heaven Ah, fondest, Blindest, weakest, / I am He Whom thou seekest! / Thou dravest love from thee, who dravest Me.; Anagrams

9. For decades, the fondest hope of the kind of Agitators attracted by this annual event has been a Republican president who shares the breadth of their grievance, the depth of their anger and the fervor of their conspiratorial delusions

10. One of my fondest memories of the 19th meeting of the Food Ingredients Europe in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, is the conviviality that run throughout this meeting, the exhibitors 'Amability, answering to all of our questions and providing us with brochures full of interest

11. "Ah, fondest, Blindest, weakest, I am he whom thou seekest" “And when you were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive together with him, when he forgave us all our trespasses, erasing the record that stood against us with its legal demands.

12. Nu was þe stunde þat wacens fondest list In men at sea, and melts þeir þoghtful hart, Who in þe morn hafe bid sweet frends farewell, And wand’rer newly on his road wiþ lufe Þrills, if he hear þe ef’ning bell from far, Þat seems to gnorn for þe Afaring day: When I, no longer tacing heed to hear Began, wiþ wonder, from þose goasts to marc Man risen from its seat, which wiþ its

13. Nu was þe stunde þat wacens fondest list In men at sea, and melts þeir þoghtful hart, Who in þe morn hafe bid sweet frends farewell, And wand’rer newly on his road wiþ lufe Þrills, if he hear þe ef’ning bell from far, Þat seems to gnorn for þe Afaring day: When I, no longer tacing heed to hear Began, wiþ wonder, from þose goasts to marc Man risen from its seat, which wiþ its